Task Two: Females

40 1 0

Alice Culpeper

I wake up to the sound of a loud bell ringing, and I look around me. 29 other students and I are laying in a circle, in what looks to be a Cafeteria of some sort. I notice that we are all wearing identical clothing, and the girls all have their hair up in a ponytail. My face contorts into a disgusted expression when I smell something putrid coming from the "kitchen" area of the Cafeteria.

I continue to look around, and I spot Chris directly across from me. He mouths, "I love you," and I force a smile, playing with my bracelet and trying to take everything in at once. I mouth back "I love you too," and not a second later I hear a voice. The principle's voice.

"You have been very bad students, all of you; now it is time you were punished. I do hope your peers follow the rules, after all, only one of you is getting out alive."

Another bell rings, signalling the start of an unorganized chaos. Everyone is acting like animals; kicking and screaming, even clawing at other people. I quickly get up, as do most of the other students, and I freeze in my tracks. Chris is no where to be seen. I thought I wouldn't lose him so easily in this moment of peril, but I did.

I hear a girl scream, and I immediately whip my head in the direction of which the scream came from. A boy who looks about nineteen, is plunging a knife into the girls leg, pulling it down from her thigh to her knee, as it rips flesh and muscle from her leg. Another blood curdling scream leaves her lungs, as she falls to the ground clutching her leg, sobbing and screaming still.

I close my eyes and try to remember the girl's identity. I can't really focus right now, and I'm still desperately searching for Chris in all of this craziness.

I hear someone yell, and I look up right away. The boy who was stabbing the girl in the leg only moments ago, is now charging towards me.

"Oh my god, oh my god, he's going to eat me. He's going to stab me. Oh my god. I'm going to die..." The thoughts cross my mind a few times before I try and run.

All I can think about is Chris, and about how he is probably getting killed, and a fire ignites inside me, giving me an extra ounce of strength. I attempt to twist the boy's arm away from me as he tackles me harshly to the ground.

I forcefully get the knife from his hand, almost breaking it in the process, and I hold it in front of me, the sharp edge facing his chest as it rises and falls, his face twisting in anger.

"JAXON NO!!!" I scream, remembering the boys name as it comes to my mind. The boy shakes his head and looks down at me, his breath heavy. His face softens as my broken voice reaches his ears.

"Please. Don't kill me..."

He was strong, and tough. The perfect guy for an alliance. Mostly.

"Form an alliance with me." I begged.

Jaxon nods, and slowly gets up from being on top of me. I calm down a bit, my breathing slowing down.

A girl runs towards us with a metal nail file, yelling some random words as she does so. Jaxon grabs her wrist as she's in mid run, breaking it and causing her to yelp in pain. He takes the nail file and stabs it into her stomach, and once again into the side of her head. He eyes cross and roll back as she bleeds out onto the ground, her body falling with a thump.

I see another student fall to the ground, dead. Blood pours out from the back of his head, his hair resembling Chris' hair..but it can't be him...it can't possibly be him..


I turn around and Chris looks at me. I run straight to him and hug him tightly, our embrace lasting only a few seconds, but it gives me hope.

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