Task Four: Females

38 2 0

Alice Culpeper

I find myself sitting in a classroom, an old, and mouldy classroom. I start to breathe heavy because of the state of this room, and my mind.

Chris is sitting beside me, and he grabs my hand, our fingers intertwining, and he slowly rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. Somehow it soothes me, and my panicked state dissolves into a weird numbness inside me.

I don't know what's going on, but I'm scared that I'll lose him, either to some bloody thirsty hooligan or his own mind.

"It's okay Darling, I'm here." He whispers, and I feel myself calming down.

I look up at the board and read what it says.

I have to tell a story that shaped who I am today. Sounds simple, but really, it's not. I look at Chris, and his eyes meet mine. He smiles, and slowly lets go of my hand before looking down at his blank piece of paper.

I start writing.

It was a cool Autumn day. The wind embraced the trees, which danced with the breeze. I was wearing my favourite scarf, it was purple, black, and white. I walked to his house for the millionth time, although this time was most intimidating. I didn't know why, but this day was going to change me in ways beyond my understanding.

I knocked softly on the door to his house, and I stood there, waiting. He opened the door, his eyes meeting mine, and I felt my breathe hitch when he pulled me in for a tight hug.

"I missed you darling." He whispered, hugging me tighter.

"I missed you too." I replied, burying my head in his chest. 

A minute later he let go of me, and we walked upstairs to his room.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask as soon as we got into his room.

"Something I've been wanting to do for two years. It is your birthday after all." He whispered in my ear, and kissed me passionately.

I kissed him back and I felt his hand go down to the hem of my jeans.

"St-stop." I said, breaking the kiss.

"Why? I thought you wanted this." He said, his voice getting louder with each word.

"I do..but I'm not ready." I said, walking over to the bed and sitting down.

"Come on darling, please?" He asks, getting on top of me and pinning me down.

"No." I bravely reply.

"Fine, whatever." He huffs, moving from on top of me.

He sits on the foot of the bed, and looks angry. I am hurt at his actions.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just wish you were ready, that's all..."

I sit up and move over to sit beside him, and I hug him.

"I am it's just.." I trail off. Am I really ready to tell him about what happened between me and my aunt? What if he tells someone?

"What is it darling? You can tell me anything, you know that.."

Well, here goes nothing.

"Okay..well..when I was little my aunt lived with us for a few years..and she always came to my room every night before I went to bed and she...she'd touch me...in bad places... I-I didn't know that what she was doing was wrong until I was older..and I never told my parents because my aunt t-told me not to o-or else I'd get in big trouble and my parents would take me away...."

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