Quarter Finals: Males

27 2 0

Chris Irwin

I slowly bring myself to the Science class after letting Alice go somewhere in the halls with Jaxon, and I can't help but tear up a little, because I miss being in the normal world and being outside of school with her. Walking with her as the leaves changed, taking her to the beach in the summer, making her smile, making her laugh. I miss all of it.

She is the only person in this world who understands me, and can make me laugh like no other. Her smile is so beautiful and comforting, and that sparkle in her eyes just stops my heart. When she doesn't have any makeup on and doesn't have a care in the world about how she looks, she's absolutely drop dead gorgeous. She is the most amazing girl I've ever known, and I love her so much.

I just hope I won't have to kill her or watch her die today.

As I open the door to the Science room, I see Alice sitting beside Jaxon, and I smile. He's keeping her safe for me, and I'm glad he is doing this. I hope Jaxon doesn't have to die today. Who am I kidding, he's a beast. He'll kill the people who stand in his way today. Hopefully not my Alice.

I sit down on the opposite side of Alice and kissed her cheek, making her blush.

"Hey darling." I said.

"Hey babe." She replied, smiling.

I looked up at the board and read the words.

So I'm paired with Kobalt Mykeal, I see. I'm really not up for killing someone with Science equipment, but if I have to kill him, then I'll kill him I suppose. I swear if anything happens to Alice-

I break my focus as Kobalt looks around the room for something to start with. I think fast, grabbing a bunsen burner, and some corrosive chemicals. As he turns back around I take the cap off of the chemicals and dump them on him, the adrenaline pumping through my veins. He screams in agony and I have to look away. Alice looks stunned, but grabs some stuff off of her table as well.

Kobalt is in tears as the chemicals burn his skin, and I grab a scalpel, digging it into his hand. He yells out in agony, and I take out the scalpel, bringing it to his chest as he starts to bleed out even more. The boy in front of me falls off of his seat, and hits the floor hard. I gasp, as he breathes his last breathes, the blood trickling out.

I breathe out a sigh of relief, and look over at Alice, who has successfully killed her partner, and for a moment I was a bit scared of her and myself. We had just killed people, and it's a little scary.

I left the room hand in hand with Alice, and I looked at her as we walked down the school hallways. The look in her eye was something I will never forget, a look as if something inside of her died today, and it broke my heart.


Nathaniel Lee

Dear Journal,

Not. Today.



Dear Sawyer Cook,

I'm so sorry. I really didn't want to kill you, I didn't. I did everything I could to try to make it so you would only pass out, but it didn't work. You're dead, and I'm not. I'm sorry. I know that doesn't fix anything, but I can't tell you how sorry I am for you and your family, I just don't have the words. I hate myself so much for doing this to you.

I'm sorry.

Nathaniel Lee.


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