Semi-Finals: Results and Voting

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Welcome wonderful semi-finalists of Writer Games: Bleeps and Geeks. First and foremost I would like to say how wonderfully the entries were written! Truthfully, picking just two tributes to go straight to the finals was quite the challenge, however, without further ado, the two tributes I have chosen to receive byes are:

Seraphine Martin


Jazzy Robinson

That means the remaining four tributes (Kobalt Mykeal, Jaxon Salam, Alice Culpeper, and Kyrelia Falynnian) are up for votes, please send votes through PM to avoid bias voting, any votes submited through comment will not count. Vote for the TWO tributes you want to move on, the two with the most votes will go through.

Voting ends June 17th, 2015 8pm EDT.

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