One shouldn't stop from doing what they want or like.

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'Oh that's nice, I guess?' Li Yu said as he had settled himself down on his bed. This wasn't his house, but he was close enough to Can to have a room. His rooms were painted shocking  red with hint of gold painted at the corners. The racks at the corner of the room mainly contained of trophies he had won. The other corner a study table, while paintings and photographs had hung themselves on the walls. The window wasn't very large, but it was big enough to see the farm from the other side. His room was very well decorated by him, and Can's grandparents had made him a part of their very own family.

'I can't stop you from loving someone, I mean One shouldn't stop from doing what they want or like. I have had my own reason to have a dislike to people like you. I don't have one now. It was just what other people said that Gays aren't nice.... I won't stop being your friend you see.' Li Yu smiled, 'I'm good.' 

Can smiled back and went out the room, thinking that it would've been a hard time convincing Li Yu. He had glanced back at the door he had just closed. They had been to school together. Had fun. And just because Can was Bisexual, he didn't wanted to loose Li Yu as a friend. He didn't knew the reason Li Yu had some type of beef among the LGBTQ community. And he didn't want to ask anyway, because until had he met Tin. He didn't knew he was Bisexual. Just a few feet away was his room, and there he stood in front of his door. His name 'Cantaloupe' was very beautifully drawn on the name plate with the color of the fruit. He entered and surprisingly saw Tin laying on his bed. 

'Your room isn't bad, are those yours?' Tin pointed at the rack at the corner of the room. It was filled with trophies here and there, it also had some few photographs of his time in school. Can's room wasn't very much special. It was painted a orange and a hint of olive green at some sides. There were two huge windows opposite, big enough to see the village's entrance. A bathroom situated at another corner, while a huge portrait of fruit basket was hung just above his bed. His bed was pretty much the same size he had had before while staying with his Ma. For a moment he had totally forgot that they had ran away and had brought a person unwelcomed, who also helped them escaping. 

Can laid just beside Tin and begun, 'Yea, sort of. I had won them back in China with Li Yu in basketball. I wanted to bring them to Bangkok, but I eventually forgot. Then Grandpa and Grandma made a rack especially for that. And they just stayed there. Maybe that's why I'm a bit tall.' Tin scoffed and tilted his head to meet Can's. But the latter was quick to refuse, 'God, Tin your breath stinks. Go in the bathroom-' Can pushed Tin out from the bed and waved his hands before his nose. Tin rolled his eyes in response and spoke, 'You're acting as of your mouth doesn't even smells.'

Can laughed and Tin went in the bathroom, which was pretty nice as per his needs. 


'I don't want my grandchild suffering all his life because of one stupid, idiotic man,' The grandfather angrily slammed his glass on the dining table. The grandmother sighed and passed a diabetes pill across the table to him. 'I'm very disgusted. Knowing that the richest person in Thailand hated his only brother, who doesn't had done any mistakes, and is after his love life, also my innocent child is playing the game of death. Are you going to speak something or not?' The grandfather snarled as the grandmother took a seat across him.

 'It's you who's been acting all dramatic about the situation and speaking all the time. We have raised Can alongside Prim, and we know that what they're doing isn't wrong and besides they aren't kids. To be honest, that person, name's what? Man? has also told me to not worry. But we have to be worried for our children but not too much worried, you see? Now stop making that face.' The grandmother snapped and the Grandfather mimicked the way she had spoke before. She just sighed and went back with the cooking while the latter stayed siting on the chair with anger on its nose. 

'I'm still not convinced.' He glanced at his wife, and saw Li Yu entering. He smiled softly so to not make their few minute quarrel obvious. 'Took your pill?' Li Yu asked and also sat beside grandfather on a chair. 'Oh yes, right now,' He glanced at his wife again, but she had her back turned on him to the kitchen sink, doing the dishes. In order to break the long silence, he begun. 

'You know Li Yu son, the circumstances Can and Tin might be going through-'

'-Are severe.' Li Yu cut him off, nodding. 'I heard what the person who brought them said before Can and Tin came, they are in danger. And they must hide for at least a week till the evidence collected says that Tul Medthanan had set this all up.' 'I still don't understand, if this was so thorough, why did Man didn't recorded the phone calls on which Tul had instructed him the plan.' The grandmother turned around with a frown on her face.

'The Medthanan are the most powerful people of this country. He can give a lot of money, bribe the police and make the evidence disappear out of thin air. So we need a lot of evidence. Only Man can do this. Cause he is the first witness.' The grandfather sighed as he explained. He flipped the pages of the daily newspaper lying on the table. Searching for an interesting news. But the idea that he might loose his daughter (Can's Ma), his granddaughter, his grandson, his lover and more horrible, his very own family to be fallen or crushed under Tul Medthanan's plan scared him. 

'I am not coming back, do whatever the heck you want.' Man snarled for a hundredth time on his phone which was connected to Tul Medthanan. 'You can leave the money in the basement we had last met, my men can take care of them.' But the person on the other line just nodded and hummed. 'By the way, how's the weather there? Has the younger boy's mother made any suspicions?' He spoke after opening the huge window of his room. His room was painted brown with some hints of silver.  A nicely made bed at the corner, with warm blankets to go through the cold night. A few chairs were kept beside the door for the people visiting. This room was once used by Can's great grand mother, and since then, in remembrance of her memory. This room was kept clean. But here was no portrait to be seen hanging. Man reckoned they were kept away. 

'Yes,' Tul said on the other line, sighing on his couch, his son, Phu sleeping soundly on his lap. 'She did reported to the police, but I can bribe them into saying that he's dead after a few weeks later of investigation out of a natural cause or drowning or whatever.' 

'And what about your brother, what did you said about him?' Man said after nodding and trying not to laugh at Can's mother's acting which fooled the latter. 

'Let's say that he died trying to save his chipmunk.' 

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