Video clip

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Can stopped dead, though he was sat there. He left his mouth open, his mind wandering with questions. He wanted to move in with Tin, but what will he tell his mom? 

'Can?' Tin asked anxiously his heart dropping, scared that Can would refuse. 'You don't want to come?' Tin whispered.

'Of course dummy, I would!' Can exclaimed.  'But I'll need to talk about it to my mom.' Tin eyes light up with stars and flashed his smile. Can ruffled his hair in response.

'When shall we move in?' asked Can as he took out his buzzing phone from his pockets. 'I haven't decided the apartment, we're taking it in Pete's building, the scenery there is nice, I'll let you know when to move in.' said Tin smiling. 

Can nodded and opened the text from an unknown sender. 


Video clip 00:16 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                      ~sent  at 2:00 pm

Can opened the video clip, if it was an advertisement he was going to ignore it anyway. But as he opened his heart sank the lowest, it was Tin kissing a girl. 

But as he watched he also noticed that he was quite younger and smiling and at a bar, as he was around foreigners, he assumed it was the time he was in Britain. Can smirked as his nerves were on fire, he looked at Tin was busy completing his assignment by the help of his laptop. 

Do you think I'm that stupid to believe you?

'Tin, I just got a text from Type, I'll come in fifteen minutes if that's okay with you?' asked Can as he put away his phone smiling at him. 

'Okay don't be late. ' Tin frowned his brows as he got up to kiss him. 'I'll be right back!' Can pecked Tin's lips one last time as Tin saw him going away towards the football field, though Can was smiling, Tin also sensed that his eyes were on fire. But he just shrugged it off.

'Type do me a favour.' said Can as Type was stretching on the ground. 'Okay Can, what shall I do.' Type said quickly as he saw that Can was furious. 'Something's wrong. What is it Can?' 

'Take me to the Medthanan manor.' said Can keeping his face straight. Type shrugged and got up and went out of the stadium as Can followed him, taking out his scooter from the parking lot where everyone's car, bikes and scooters were parked.

Type sat taking in charge as Can sat behind him. 'What's happening Can, you're not going to be in trouble right?" asked Type as he rode his scooter faster. 

'I can't be sure about that...' Can whined as his anger rose more. 'What the hell Can!, I'm making you starve if you get me in trouble!'

'Oh shut up Type, ride faster, will you? dumbass!' yelled Can as Type rode faster. They finally reached the gates of the Medthanan manor and obviously Tin's so-called home. They got off proceeding to get through the gates.

'You can't step in, sir.' said the watchman. 'You could only be in if you have permission.' Type stood behind Can. 'We have permission, tell that filthy dog. Now let me in!' Can roared at him. 

'But sir- okay.' he opened the gates as Can went inside with heavy steps as Type followed him behind. 

Can banged on the huge door with rage only to be opened by a servant. 'Who are you, sir?' she said. 'I am here to have a talk with Tul Medthanan.' 

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