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Tin now stood before his so called home. Can beside him, with Grandfather behind them like a pillar, ready to break whoever comes forward to ruin the two people before him. 

They recalled having a pleasing breakfast with merriment, with the pleasing sounds of birds chirping at the delightful view of the family. The small creatures drank water and ate the seedlings with pappy sounds of munching provided by the head woman.

Gucci, the favorite white furry dog of the small household, sat on the flamboyant cute chair made exclusively for him.  

With a considerable bowl filled with dog food for him, he consumed it with small bites like a royal. Being patted every time by the girl sitting beside him for not making a mess, he bobbed his head with pride. Making everyone laugh at the table. Being the first one to finish his filling being duteous, he progressed to go under the board to nestle between the persons legs. 

On the other hand, Prim helped the new comers with toasts, jams, omelette, etc. To fill them up by the home cooked food specially made for them. She saw the individuals eating unprecedented, which made her feel ecstatic. 

She smiled remorsefully upon that. As she recalled her melancholic past, she had no idea what the other might be suffering, had no idea what the other might suffer later. She had always wanted to ensure that she'd be there to help them whenever they'd want her. 

She always stood with a delicate smile, not revealing her problems to anyone but the people who wouldn't deride her for it. Raising her children alone came with vast responsibility. Which she had handled so much well on her own, without anyone's aid. 

She sat with a hint of contentment among the people eating furiously. Smiling, she started her filling. Thinking about the time when raising Can and Lay were the happiest yet her resilient times. How much they've grown to handle their own burden along with their monotonous studies. Like a rewarding old woman she sat there eating, completely forgetting the hurdles she'd had to face later. 

'You got some jam on your lips, Tin.' Can told Tin softly, making sure that the others might not apprehend their talk. He scoffed softly at the view. As he glanced at the older more warily, Tin looked like a child who was starved by his mother because he failed in his fifth grade exam. 

Tin heard the taunt, eyed Can, not looking up from his plate filled with the sizable amount of the breakfast. He rolled his eyes back before snickering.

'Take it out fer meh, I'm awfully hungry.' And by so, Tin diverted his attention back to his plate, his right cheek poking out to a great extent due to the dangerous shoving of toast and jam in his mouth. 

Can had his mouth gaped open at the view, yes he was too excessively hungry. And he didn't cleaned Tin's mouth. Looking him eat, made his appetite grow more. Hesitantly, he started eating competitively. 

Like Usain Bolt he ate his filling, a voice inside him competing with his stomach to overtake the intake, which was always usual. His stomach was so used to digest inconsiderable amount of food all the time the latter felt hungry. It had a great deal of a work to digest unusual food items mixed with uncanny things. It always left others in awe. 

While the family chewed onto their food they heard the doorbell gonging against the remote walls of the house. It wasn't unusual for Prim to overlook a new face every time before the bygone but advanced gate. Excusing herself she got up and wore her cozy flip-flops. Making her way towards the grand opening in haste, totally miffed about being disturbed.

As she reached the flashing gate, she pushed it open to meet a tall, old guard dressed up in jet black shirt and khaki pants. 

She observed him having lavish wrinkles on his face, his hands folded behind his slightly arched back, with his legs together he smiled. She returned it graciously. She estimated his age to be around a decade older than her. Cracking a forceful smile she pulled her eyebrows up. 

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