Mother, I'm gay

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For the next three weeks, Tin didn't let go of Can. He dropped and picked him up every five days a week and on weekends, they either went on dates if got time or stay at their home and talk on the phone. 

Though Can insisted that he didn't needed to do all this but Tin said otherwise. They had argued bitterly about that and then made up when Type begged them. 

For Tin, the night he went home. Tul stared at him through his foreign eyes and mocked him. Tin "politely" asked if he had got some strawberry jam on his face. And went inside his room to breathe out his heavy chest. 

Can asked Tin many times why did he all does this, but Tin ignores and pops out another topic to talk about. They were going to move in three days, and Tin was very excited. Though Can didn't tell his mom about that nor did he told his mom that he was gay.

His mom was busy doing dishes in the kitchen, as it was her day off. Can slowly came down the stairs, his face down, he didn't know how his mom will react. Will she be sad? will she abandon him? Even if she does, will she even check up on him? Because of all these questions, all his positivity had gone.

'Mom....' Can whispered grabbing the attention of his mom. 'Yes? Hungry again? will wait for a few minutes?' 

'No, well, mom I want to tell you something else...' Can said biting his bottom lip, his heart racing faster than ever. 

'Speak up then..' Mrs Kirakorn wiped the dishes and kept them carefully in the rack. 'You okay, Cantaloupe?' Mrs Kirakorn took her steps towards Can, who kept his head low unable to face his mother.

'Why are you crying?' Mrs Kirakorn exclaimed as he made Can face her. 'Mom, would you hate me if I'm not something you wanted me to be?' 

'It depends what you did, honey. What happened ?' She asked, she had tears in her eyes too. She had never seen Can cry except the time when he hurt himself badly when he was only six.

'Mom, I've tried hard but....' 

'But what?!'

'I've tried so hard to like girls mom, but in the end, I like guys!' Can bursted into tears, stepping behind. His hands were on his face, scared that his mother would hate him. He was breathless, taking hiccups. He didn't heard his mother's voice, sure that she hated him now.

'Cantaloupe...' Can looked up to meet his mother's teary eyes. 'I know, even if you're gay, you're still my son. And I don't care if you like boys or girls or anyone. I just want you to be happy. I hope whoever that person is, he takes care of you...' She hugged Can. 

Can hugged his mother back, crying harder than ever. 'Thank you so much mom, I love you...' Can cried between his hiccups. 'I love you too, my son...' Mr Kirakorn cried too. 

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