Mi Casa

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'Everything's bad blood and bad thing,' Grandfather blinked rapidly and made a sour face thinking upon the recent problem they were facing, 'It's totally awful.' Grandmother nodded and continued walking with him, slowly.

It had been half and hour since they had been walking, it usually took them mere fifteen minutes to walk around their home, but they took a long one this time to further discuss and to think of something about Tin and his family issues. They knew, that they won't be a good help but ever since he came, they had treated him as their own. They walked in sync, their home was a meter away, and the slower they became. Their footwears clicked and clacked in the night, both their hands folded behind their own backs. Backs a little bit arched, but they walked faster even though being old. 

The grandmother hummed in response, she pursed her lips and observed the street lights and the loud silence. It was a very beautiful night, and it was a pity they hadn't invited the children with them. She was sure, that in their absence, there would be a huge up roar in the house. Yang Xi, like usual, must've turned on the television and watch highlights of the football match along with others. She chuckled very softly and glanced at every house opposite of the deserted street now and then to distract herself, but she failed.

'It won't work this time,' Grandfather said as he was quick to notice this, 'This isn't some kitchen problem you can get rid of, y'know.'

She clicked her tongue and accepted her defeat, 'It's not like I want them to go away, but I don't really think Tin's family is that bad. I reckon it would be good if they sit and talk about it, of course if they allow me to slap Tul.' She didn't needed permission for that, her husband knew. She could just slap him. 

'And then I get my cane to work.' They giggled on the joke and the silent noise of grasshoppers made it feel like it was the olden times again. They felt young once more. It reminded them of the time when they had just married and a few months before they had adopted Can's mother.  They used to have a walk every night after dinner with Prim, until she began her schooling and then it became only thrice a week.

Every step with they came closer to their house, the two street lights just before their home reflected upon and highlighted the "Kirakorns'". Their name had been well known throughout the village for their determination and for being open minded and for their kindness. They were fairly wealthy by running a fruit farm with the help of their fellow friends, and they had kept up for so long, they were rumored to be the one of the first families that had migrated here.

Their foots clicked and they made it till the main door, slipped their footwears into the shoe rack, kept the cane into the small, cylinder. And slowly, very carefully opened the door.

They got in and turned the lights on. 'Everyone's asleep..' Grandfather said and breathed out. 

'How fortunate of us,' Grandmother responded, 'Finally there's no noise in our absence..'

'I know right..' Grandfather dropped the keys into the keyhole, flopped himself on the couch and folded his legs, grandmother on the other hand made her way to the kitchen, to fetch water for both of them.

She passed the water to her husband, and as she drank, she realized the landline of their house was ringing. But it wasn't heard. There was only a small, dazzling neon light to be seen.

"Unusual," She thought, "No one calls us at this time, us specifically."

She bobbed her head to the side and saw her husband asleep in that very uncomfortable position. She rolled her eyes at this scene and made her way to the landline.

She picked up the receiver and waited for the other person on the line to speak up. There was only silence for the next minute, until she spoke up herself.

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