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As Tin sat on the sofa uncomfortably without Can in sight before his father, he made the satisfying sound of the pen gliding against the smooth paper which held the words of his internship. With lips clicking under the constant watch of his parents, he had found it excruciating. He could've even take a glimpse at his parents because of the fiddly tension in the room. Trai had asked Can a small favor to wait outside along with his grandfather, and rather abruptly, Can actually obeyed what he had asked. 

Unlike his curious personality, with piercing questions one by one, he didn't asked them. And his absence made Tin want to go back.

There was nothing wrong with the sitting room, it was the eerie problem the two sons of the Medthanan couple had caused. And the discussions among the servants became constant about the sudden arrival of Tin without them being informed. Usually, when he would come back in the mansion, the servants were informed for the usual work of making his food, ironing his clothes, and taking care of his stuff.

The headwoman of the kitchen would go especially in his room to ask about his three meals, and when everyone turned to look at her. She raised her hands with a big no. When they had tried to give drinks to the old man and his child-like grandson, they had forbid in return.

'It's okay, we're very well hydrated..' He said back in return, while Can nodded behind him.

The servant further asked about Tin which the old man cut him off and replied, 'I can't tell you that, my apologies.' And with that he went back with the drinks helplessly, telling the others that the situation going on was very unnatural. The last time it had happened was when the false drug scandal of Tin had exposed. It had left everyone horrified because their young master didn't behaved anything absurd. Which left them always unanswered and curious.

'Hey!' The head of the servants spoke,

'What?' One of them with a very white beard said. The head in return rolled his eyes and he signaled them to go along their work. But none understood his unclear hand signs. He gritted his teeth upon the stupid reaction of his fellows.

Been working since years for the Medthanan, he only had professional relations with everyone. Looking into the works of other servants and guiding them was his job. But there were a lot of times where they wouldn't obey his order, and he never complained about that to his master. As a head, he understood their problems and their worries, and never pushed them. But, he would always remind them to not meddle into other's business. Which was what they were doing at the moment.

'Why can't you be gone and mind your own business?' He spoke with his hard voice, 'Sometimes, ignorance is a bliss..'

'Just be gone.' One of them replied, and the man left them. Glancing from the posh kitchen to the outdoors, the observed the two new people discussing breathlessly.


Rasaa sitting beside Tin had stopped sobbing for a little time, peeking into the papers in the latter's hand even though knowing the exact words by heart. She and Trai gave him a whole half and hour to read and reread the file thoroughly, because at the end she didn't wanted to be the mother who had been ignorant to her child. Her dark circles were clear, indicating that she was lacking sleep and had constant crying. She smiled uncontrollably every now and then at the sight of focused Tin with her legs crossed gratifyingly. Tin glanced at her for the unusual  behaviour and left out an uneasy smile. As long as he could recall, this was one of the few times his mother was analyzing him. And he found it very eerie.

'Do you need any water?'

Tin asked out of generosity, she smiled even wider than before, with her lips closed back genuinely at this. She felt at ease like this. And if this was a dream, she wouldn't want to wake up ever.

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