Desire - 1

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Warning: the following chapter may not be suitable for young readers below 15. It contains sexual and cuss words, read at your own risk, you have been warned.


'What happened Cantaloupe?' Tin asked as they were on their way to home. They had ate 2 big bowls of ramen each to fill their stomachs and Tin's first taste of it was rather spicy. Can had bought a bottle of water especially for him because he knew that something like this was going to happen for sure. 

After three bites Tin had settled himself being familiar to the taste and grew a liking towards it. He had rarely ate any spicy food when he was young or even back he was in London. He had asked for one more bowl later which Can had ordered happily. Can later paid for the meal and had asked Tin to buy groceries from the near shop. They had bought a lot of it and had two big bags to each of them. 

'Nothing, I thought someone was following...' Can narrowed his eyes as Tin looked back to check. 'There's no one.' Tin said. 

'Never mind. Let's go.' Can breathed out and walked forward alongside Tin. They walked inside the huge building, 'Should we take a lift?' 

'Are you planning to go all the way up there with legs?!' Can yelled, disbelieving. 'You really think I wish to go like that?' Tin snapped. 

'I don't know, you might come up with such ideas.' 

'Let's go.' Tin laughed. 

They entered the lift as as the doors closed, Tin was busy looking at Can's reflection as Can was making sure everything was in the bags. Tin blinked several times, his eyes not leaving Can's reflection. 

The doors opened swiftly and Can hurried towards their room keeping the bags at the entrance and flopping on the sofa. Tin kept the bags at the entrance as well, and flopped on Can which took him by surprise. 

'God, you're heavy.' Can breathed out as Tin made himself comfortable, facing Can. 'But you still love me.' Tin smiled planting a kiss on Can's cheek. 

Can felt something uneven on his stomach, he pushed Tin's face and saw. 'You got a boner?'

'H-have I?' Tin stuttered, he got himself up from Can's body. 'Sorry.'

Can got up and chuckled, he moved himself to sit on Tin's lap and kissed him, it took no time of Tin to kiss him back.

'What are you up to, huh?' Can breathed out.

'I want you Cantaloupe,' Tin pulled Can towards him, his hand on his waist. 'Please.'

Tin hurriedly unbuttoned Can's shirt and Can was already stroking him.

Tin began kissing his cheek to his neck, the latter's hands stroking the soft body.

Can's body felt rather hot from Tin's cold touch. He was biting his lips as he felt pleasure on the soft Tin had sucked.

They both were trying hard not to moan even though it was alone.

'Hm~' Tin suddenly connected their lips and moaned onto him. 'No wait, ah!' 

He moaned loudly as Can got down to suck him. He teased him and stroked slowly and licked his tip. 'No wait.' 

Tin got up and pulled his pants up, Can looked up at him, disapproving and dissatisfied, 'Why~' He whined, his lips turning into a pout. 'I am very turned on, you rascal!' 

Can felt a sudden jerk of pull. Tin picked him up and wrapped Can's legs around him and begun walking towards their bedroom. 'What makes you think I'm done? We can't do it in there, we could be heard.' 

'You're gonna scream?' Can bit his lips and kissed Tin's neck. 'No, I'm talking about you. I'm going to make you scream.' He grabbed Can's face and kissed him roughly. He threw him roughly on the bed and mounted on him. He begun sucking his lips till his neck and all towards his naked chest. Can had put his palm on his mouth to prevent moaning from the pleasure. 

Tin pulled out Can's trousers leaving him in his boxers and started caressing his thighs as he started kissing him again. 'You love kissing me, don't you?' Can smiled and pinched the latter's cheek softly. 'I love you so much, Cantaloupe.' Tin spoke out of the blue, caressing his cheek passionately. 

'I know,' Can took a long pause, taking a moment to admire Tin's features before kissing him. 'I love you too.' 

Tin laid Can carefully on the bed. 'Wait a second.' 

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