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'The prom party, has been a tradition of this University every year. Well, I really think that I don't need to explain any further as I suppose you know much better than me,' Professor Apichart announced as she was in the big ball room along with all the students in the university. She was the most strict teacher they ever had, and she was also a student in the very university herself and persuaded to become a professor later. Due to her disciplined nature, no one dared to go against her. 'But what you don't know are manners.' 

Suddenly whispers were heard across the huge room, 'Manners she says. What are we? Peasants?' Techno whispered to Ae and Professor Apichart cleared her throat. 'Silence! Is whispering going to save your assets? Instead of getting someone to go out with you all instead  but you bumble like a buffing bumblebee baboons! That reflects your personality, your behavior is the reason you all have no one to go out with!' Professor Apichart spoke. 

'Only if she knew more than half of the students in this university are gay.' Techno giggled along with Ae and Pond. Professor Apichart glared at them and they hesitatingly straightened their backs. 

'From every girl's soul a swan tempts to emerge to stretch its fabulous feathers!' She took her heavy steps towards the other row where the girls sat. 'Yeah a swan but I don't think it will come from ChaAim.' Pond giggled with Techno, who sat still in the fear of Professor Apichart. She shot her deadly eyes towards Pond and the next thing he knew, he was to be at his funeral. 

'Mr. Pond! How delightful to see you! Come on out, I just needed someone to teach so that others could study the movements. Come out now! Now no need to be shy as you weren't to pass those comments, were you?' Professor Apichart pulled Pond out vigorously. 

Now they stood in the middle of the huge ball room, all eyes of the students' on them. Can sat there laughing beside Type and had already knew that Professor Apichart was going to be Pond's worst nightmare. 

'Now, here, Mr. Pingchai! Would you please turn on the music? 'Professor Apichart called out to Mr. Pingchai, the servant of the University. 

The music started, 'Now if you will. Keep your hands on my waist.' Professor Apichart spoke as she kept her hand on Pond's shoulder. 'Where?!' Pond shuddered and widened his eyes. 

'My. Waist. Mr. Pond.' She spoke with no mercy in her voice. Pond hesitated at first until Professor Apichart rolled her eyes and kept his hand on her waist herself. 


 1 2 3

1 2 3 

1 2 3~' 

They spun and slow danced around the huge hall. Pond had his head low, ashamed. 

'Oi! Never going to let him forget this!' Techno exclaimed. 'Never!' Ae, Type and Can said simultaneously. 

ChaAim on the other side was already holding her stomach in pain due to excessive laughing and Pete and Tin we're holding their heads due to second hand embarrassment. 'I'm just going to pretend that this didn't happened.' Tin shrugged and Pete nodded.

Their class ended with enthusiasm as everyone got out. 'I swear to god I'll never talk during teachings.' Pond said, his face horrified. 

'I'm rather glad Professor Apichart  taught you a lesson,' Ae spun his arms around Pond. 'Now you'll know how we feel when you interfere in our business.'

'Thanks Ae.' Pond snarled. 


'The day after tomorrow it is then.' Tul spoke as he was sat on his big long couch holding his expensive phone. 

'Yeah it is,' Man spoke from the other line. 'I will have my men with me-' 

'I'll be there too.' Tul cut him off. 'Why?' questioned Man.

'Why not?' Tul snapped.

'Fine do whatever you want. But he'll know that you were there.' Man said on the other line. 

'He wouldn't if we do that later on.' Tul said, crossing his legs. 

'You're right, but you don't really have to come.' Man bugged. 

'I will decide that, not you.' 

'Fine then,' Man rolled his eyes finally and cut the line. 'It's going to be a lot of fun.'

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