Meet -1

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'Wake up Can.' Tin spoke as Can fluttered his eyes just to see Tin beside him laying on their bed. 'Bloody hell!' Can jumped too see Tin's face close to his. 'Welcome to hell.' Tin snarled as he got up, flashing his smile. 

Can sat up straight scratching his head. 'Wait, how did I ended up here?' 

'What do you mean how you ended up here? We moved in together.' Tin said, disbelieving. Though not surprised. 

'I don't mean that! I mean, I don't remember you driving me here, we went to the restaurant, didn't we?' Can frowned his brows at Tin. 

'I'm not even surprised that you don't remember anything.' Tin turned around and took his steps towards Can, who was sat in his bed, confused. 'You got drunk, Cantaloupe.' 

'Really? How come?' Can asked, surprised. 'You just randomly asked the lady to give you alcohol. I just sat there, seeing you doing embarrassing stuff. God, you sing worse than a donkey.' Tin chuckled.

'Oh, shut up.' Can finally got up to brush his teeth. After brushing his teeth Can went straight to the kitchen to make breakfast, since Tin could only cook the basics, Can was worried Tin might burn the kitchen one day. 

'Tin, I have my day off today, so I'll go to see mum and Lay in the afternoon, you wanna come?' Can spoke as he laid on his bed. 'What day off are you talking about?, it's not like you work or something.' Tin teased and Can rolled his eyes.

'You're coming or not?' 

'Yes. I'm coming.' Tin fixed his tie. 'I'll come at 4:00, okay?' 

'Okay.' Replied Can as Tin stood in front of him. 'Change of mind? Don't wanna go?' Can smirked and Tin pursed his lips. 'Don't you think you're forgetting something?' 

'I dunno.' Can smirked again and Tin rolled his eyes. He started walking towards the door, controlling his patience. Suddenly he felt a force applied on him, making him turn back. 

Can spun Tin around and pecked Tin's lips. Tin smiled softly while Can pecked him. 'Bye.' Tin finally ruffled Can's hair and giggled. He wasn't able to hide his flushed cheeks. 


'Eat something Techno.' Champ said for the hundredth time but Techno stayed still. 'I don't want to, Champ.' Techno whispered. 

'See, I know it's hard on you okay? But, you can't ignore your health can you? At least for me.' Champ pleaded. Techno looked up to him 'I wanna take a nap.' 

'You can take one after eating, no buts.' Champ raised his index finger and Techno smiled softly. 'What about the football practice, Champ?' Techno said anxiously. 

'Don't worry, just rest. That's what important for you.' Champ raised his brow and Techno flustered, taking his eyes to the soup Champ has especially made for him. 

'Type will take charge for the practice.' Champ said and Techno spun from his seat. 'Why?' 

'Why not?' 

'Never mind,' Techno snarled, disbelieving. 'I know, you're jealous that Type does it better than you,' 

'Oh shut up.' Techno snarled again and Type smiled sheepishly. 'I'll go out to buy something. You finish the soup and leave it in the sink? Directly go to sleep. Or I won't hesitate to kick you.' Champ spoke patting Techno's head. 

'Okay.' That was all Techno could say. 

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