I Worry About You

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'what if I call Pete?' Can said shockingly, his small eyes widening even more.

'What if I call Pete? I'm sure he knows where Tin is, besides he knows Tin better than I do'

I took my phone which Tin gifted to me, I take good care of it, I founded Pete's id from my contacts and dialled his phone, waiting for him to pick it up..

Pete : Hello? 

 Can: Yes? Pete?!

Pete: Yes Can, what happened? Is everything okay?

Can: Pete, do you know where Tin is? 

Pete: I'm sorry Can, I don't know where he is, did you tried calling him?

Can: Yes Pete, its switched off, I thought you know where Tin is....

Pete: At this time, he must be home, he rarely goes out. I will try calling him for you, did something happen?

Can: Yes Pete, I behaved very rudely with him.

Pete: Oh, lover's quarrel? No need to worry Can, he never got angry with you anyway, besides he cares that he doesn't invades your privacy.

Can: Its not that Pete..... 


And like this he explained the truth to Pete, with some tears and sobs. He was very thankful that Pete was listening to him besides he is the only one who is close to Tin, while Can was explaining, Lay came in his room and kept the delicious food on the table while Can had lost his appetite to eat.


I am totally speechless, what can I do? I want to help them, I will of course, but its hard to make up Tin as he only avoids talks which I do to make him better. He is a nice person if you get to know him but he always fails to express himself due to his past. I reassured Can that I will do my best to get them together, I an sure Ae will be with me too, Ae's anger has gone less over time for Tin, when I told him that Tin is after Can and that they will workout together, he was relieved from hearing this, and because of Can, Tin wasn't rude like other days, his interactions with Can really changed him.

I told Can not to worry and to get some sleep, his voice cracked and chocked while talking, I hung up and called Tin, it was switched off, I tried another five times, but no response.

 I cant go out to go at Tin's place, Ae will eventually know and will be mad for going out at midnight, but someone had to know, who is Can's friend, so I called Ae.

Ae: Hello?

Pete: Ae, where are you? sorry if I woke you up.

Ae: At home of course, why? worried?

Pete: Yeah, kind of.... will you meet me at the campus tomorrow? I need to tell you something.

Ae: Sure Pete, is there a problem, you can tell me now babe.

Pete: (flustered) I could now Ae, but I have tons of work to do, and its midnight you must be sleepy...

Ae: Its okay, I can give up my sleep for you!

Pete: No babe, its a long story, I will tell you about it tomorrow, okay?

Ae: Okay, is it about us?

Pete: No, not about us.... 

Ae: Okay, see you tomorrow! Sleep well babe!

Pete: You too!

He hung up, I have to tell him about Tin and Can. If he knows, he could keep an eye on Can, as his friend, he will surely cheer him up. 


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