Your Texts

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After Can went inside his home after kissing Tin back on the street, leaving him dumbfounded, Lay was totally asleep in the living room. Can thought she might be waiting for him to ask questions.

 Making sure that she doesn't wakes up, Can went up towards his room, shutting the door softly. Their mother was coming tomorrow, and Can surely didn't wanted to tell her about his relationship with Tin. Though she doesn't minds him dating a guy or Lay dating a girl, coming out suddenly would be a shock for her.

Can changed his clothes into his comfortable dark blue pyjamas, and hopped on his bed and taking over the sheets on his body, totally thinking about his boyfriend, thinking that he might be asleep, probably, or working up late. Until his phone gave a notification of text messages. He picked up the phone and opened the Line.


Pete : How was the date Can? 

Can: How the hell did you knew Pete?!

Pete: Who would you think would help Tin choose his outfit for the most wonderful date he ever had?

Can: Oh-kay. You hadn't slept yet. Talking with Ae?

Pete: Yeah Can, we just finished talking, I called Tin before I texted you, he really enjoyed the date. Thanks Can.

Can: No need to say thanks, Pete. If you and Ae weren't there, we both wouldn't be dating for sure. I am the one to say thanks.

Pete: Tin was about to sleep after we finished talking, he probably must be asleep by now..

Can: Yeah.... You should sleep too Pete, its 2 am


Pete: Yes Can, its Sunday tomorrow anyway, made plans to meet Tin tomorrow?

Can: No Pete, he's busy with his hectic schedules, and I have assignments to complete too. We'd talk though.

Pete: Okay Can, good night, best of luck handling him!

Can: Yea bye Pete, much more like him handling me...!

With that Can went out of the chat, until Tin's text popped up on his screen, he opened it in a flash of light, 


Tin : Asleep?

Can: Nope, was about to...

Tin: Okay, well, you must have got a text from Pete...

Can: Yeah, he told me he called you, told me you must be asleep.. why aren't you sleeping? You must be tired!

Tin: I never get tired running around with you. Besides I enjoy it and you dared to leave me out there? Dumbfounded?

Can: I'm sorry, I was embarrassed.... never mean to leave you like that. 

Tin: Don't take it seriously, I was kidding. I don't feel sleepy, I am just too happy.

Can: You and your cheesy lines, Pete wasn't kidding when he told me to handle you...

Tin: Then good luck handling me! ;)

Can: Thank you so much! you words contain so much wisdom! Master Tin! They surely would help me to handle you!

Tin: Haha, You're so cute Cantaloupe. 

Can: Shut it will you? I hate being called that!

Tin: Then what shall I call you, I don't wanna call you Can, how about 'wifey?'

Can: Bloody hell Tin, do I look like a girl? and we are not even married!

Tin: Don't worry about that, I would make that easier, wifey ;)

Can: Why the hell are you like this?! don't call me that!

Tin: You sound like your sister, and you agreed to be my lover so you must handle me right? 

Can: Thank you for reminding me! I totally forgot that!

Tin: Never mind, I'm just collecting the interest. Good night, wifey. Dream about me;) 

Can: Good night Babe ;-)

Tin kept his phone on the table beaside his bed,happy and satisfied with himself. He was very grateful to have Can with him. He also loved teasing him and making him angry, which made him look more cuter. He didnt realised that he was smiling already.

He heard a knock on his door, his eyes frowned as his mind took him away from thinking of Can.He took his steps towards the door. He opened the door and looking at the person, he straight away pushed his door to close. Until Tul stopped it with his arm.

'Wait' Tul said with ungratefulness, sounding grateful. He had always kept an eye on his young brother, so that he could take away his happiness with whatever that makes him happy. 

'What do you want now?' Tin said being angry, he hated seeing Tul in front of him and worse, talking with him. 'Oh my, I'm so hurt that my brother talks like this to me, I was just worried where he went and came home at this time of night..' 

'If that fake face worries where I went, then don't.' Tin said fighting back, he wished so much to punch him in the face. 

'I don't, but my wife and Phu do. They were worried where you went, Phu wanted to give you a surprise, made you a tortilla, poor him, went asleep early.' Tul said, acting apologetic. 

'You're just pathetic!'Tin spat on his face and shut him out. He just made him loose his appetite, he wanted to eat a little in case he got up in between his sleep.

He just took deep breaths and feel on his bed, thinking about the day he had, how thankful he was to have it, and now that Tul made his mood bad, Tin just shrugged it off and went on with his dreamland.

Tul's P.o.v. 

You think you'll escape like that? Tin? You just dont know how much happiness it gives me to see you suffer, I would find out the reason about that pathetic smile of yours.

I love to see you begging for happiness and to find it. Just wait, it wouldn't take much long to find it to end you forever. 

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