Through The Night

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'I have to agree with whatever you have said either way.'

Tul sat in the huge living room of the Medthanan House with his father and mother.  The weather was very eerily unusual as it would be filled with a young boys clatters with his small toy guns and cars. His parents and servants chasing him for fun, but it was since years that had happened.

The Living Room had witnessed broken marriages, grief separation between siblings. Happy children growing up fighting to become an heir. It had witnessed lavish parties among rich businessmen, with increasing salaries of the poor servants. Yet, the walls seemed new, but the mixed memories were buried deep.

It had witnessed two siblings' relationship being broken into minute pieces. It had witnessed the truth of the older, it had witnessed the unfair sadness among the children and the adults and the witness of an unexplained hatred.

There was a very tensed weather between the servants, the owner and the parent. Arrangements were done in the room with respect to the return of Tin, also the arrangements of departure unexplained.

The big table between the two sofas spilt them on a good note. Clean it was, and yet very filthy. The servants noticed the unusual change of weather among the superior people. Unlike the morning routine of the house assigned to them, this day was very strikingly unusual.

There wasn't any communication heard in the damp room even after the entry of the two men. The few people excused themselves upon the request of the elder master. Bowed and off they went.

It was a very bad morning for Tul as he heard his manservant knocking on the door and informing him that his father would like to see him quick. As he lazily did his routine through the wee hours of his morning knowing exactly for what his father wanted him.

They had talked about this very early, but Tul actually was counting on for a reason to deny it. But this time, he had no satisfactory reason.  He walked trough the stairs looking into the huge, extraordinary house like it would be demolished, like he won't see it once more. Yet again it was, indeed. Since the false news broke out, not the house. But emotions were demolished.

When he had got in the living room watching his father waiting for him, he breathed out and inhaled searching for the invisible power his heart wanted to take up the decision. Trai blinked and pursed his lips and signaled him to settle on the sofa opposite of the latter.

Tul nodded as his black shoes clacked on the heavy carpet of the huge room, his shirt neatly folded till his elbows. And with significant pants he looked dashing for the unannounced meeting. Despite the grief he went through the previous night, he managed to look new and presentable the next day. He sat and closed his eyes for a second, looking back at the times when he was a happy, sporty teenager. Innocently playing football with his half brother. Uninformed about the family issues. Not until his innocence was ruined by a worst kidnapping planned by his own family. He recalled the time when he was desperate for revenge for his parents to not look upon him. He recalled the time when he gave his pure brother everything he'd ever wanted and then take it away in a swift. But now it was gone, long gone.

As Tul opened his eyes, his black pupils filled with the saddest griefs, he saw his step mother, Raasa entering the room with her hollowing dark circled eyes. She saw the eyes of the younger on her, she glanced and wobbled. She pursed her lips upon the stare, straightened her back with clear nervousness.

"Crying from the whole night," Tul thought. She walked leisurely and made herself secure beside Trai.

Within the last week, she was looking very old and drowsy than she had been the past years.

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