Tonight - III

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The chapter below contains the use of strong language which may not be suitable for certain people. Read at your own risk.

The night felt boring, uninteresting and totally useless without Can. The girls beside him were squealing every now and then to dance with him but Tin showed no interest whatsoever. His boyfriend just went missing without telling him. He texted Can every now and then, he glanced his wrist watched every time, even the thousand messages he had sent had no response.

He and Pete had a bit chit chat about going on a trip with their friends before, but Tin only insisted to go if Can wished. As him being a homey person, totally opposite of his extroverted boyfriend, had no wish to go out but spend the holiday with his lover.

Here he stood with his boring expression waiting for his man. Maybe he had gone to the bathroom? Or did he forgot something? He had had enough. Time was flying though very swiftly for him, it was only eight in the evening but since it was winter, it made it look like midnight. The lights were the only thing which made this place look romantic.

The notification sound was the only thing that made Tin stop dreaming. The white screen was too bright that made the text very much clear to read. Frowning he opened it, after so many texts Can cared to respond now,

Can: Come at this address asap please. Address- XXXX

That's weird. Thought Tin, he never responded quite serious in a text. Without a second thought he bid Pete and hurried towards his car at the parking lot, he knew it. Something's wrong. He knew that something's isn't right. He shut off the music in anger as it didn't made any special. His legs tapped in hurry at the traffic, and it didn't distracted him. Without a second thought, he knew that Can desperately needed him.

As soon as he stepped out the fine particles of sand stuck the edge of this polished shoes. He searched desperately for a small narrow body with pink suit. His dragon eyes had gone through every corner but only saw a man in total black attire. Man noticed Tin and waved in hurry, gritting his teeth he called him, waving his hand furiously.

Tin felt to refuse at first but his mind was desperate for a ray of hope, he left and ran to this person of whom he had no information of, why should he be possibly running to an unknown person of whom he was unaware of? He only needed Can. Minutes without him felt forever. As he got closer the person's face got clearer, he saw a body lying unconscious beside him. Man was trying desperately to wake him up. Tin saw him pressing his hands hard on the poor body's chest from afar, the more he got closer, Can's face got clearer-

'What on earth do you think you're doing!' Tin screamed at Man's face, pushing him with so much force which made him stumble and cause his ankle to crack.

'Get off him!' Tin got over Can, examining his pale face, tears were forming already in Tin's eyes helplessly. He bent towards his face to check his breathing. Thankfully he was alive.
'Who the fuck are you?' Tin grabbed the collar of Man's shirt, ready to punch. 'For what did you do this?' Tin finally punched. Hard.

'W-wait you!' Man struggled to speak through the gritting teeth caused by the cold, 'Let me explain!'

'No you sonofabitch! What the fuck do you want?' Tin kept punching constantly. Blood drops were already on his shirt of that scarred latter.

'NO WAIT!' Man had had enough, he punched Tin which made him stumble and fall on his back, breathing heavily he got up, wiped the blood formed on his lips, and begun.

'Let that boy wake up, I'll explain shortly..' He took and long breath, his hand in his chest, calming himself. He waited for Tin to speak up. It wasn't long till he did.

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