Dinner - 3

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They all settled at the table as Tin sat in front of Can and Lay beside him. Though she was looking tensed. 

'He must've come by now...' said their mother, who was putting all the dishes on the required place.  'Who mom?' Can and Lay questioned, while Tin sat there quiet, wondering who it might be. 

And there was a knock on the door attracting all of their attention. 'Oh! It must be him!' Lay hurried to the door and opened. 

'You!' She exclaimed, her eyes popping. 'Come on Lay take him in, will you?'   

And a tall man appeared, his hair messy, wearing a shirt and pants, with a blazer. Carrying a brown bag. He was the same height as Tin. 

'You!' Can exclaimed and Tin looking at him with curiosity. 'Yea it's me... Surprised?' The tall man said in Chinese, making Tin fully puzzled. 'Of course, I am, that was unexpected from you! How come you're here' Said Can in Chinese. 

'Enough! Tin dear-' Tin paid attention to the elderly woman, '- this is Li Yu, he was the same school as Can when younger in China. He can speak Thai, how's your father dear?' She said to Tin and now asking Li Yu in Thai, 'Very well Aunt! He sent chocolates from France.' He said smiling at her and then at Tin who smiled back.

'There was no need honey, you're only here for a week, you must enjoy your stay.' At this statement, the three youngsters nodded. 'C'mon now let us eat...' Their mother said pulling a chair beside Can for him to sit. 

The table was full of every delicious Thai food, name it, they had it. Tin took a piece and ate and felt his mouth at very ease, it was so delicious that he forgot his home food. 'Delicious....' He muttered under his breath.' How's it Tin?' Can's mother asked with her eyes pleasing. 

'Very delicious Aunt...' He said shyly. 'Then eat all you might, don't be shy! Make yourself at home, dear!' Tin nodded at her statement, filling his mouth with more food. He looked over to Can who had his mouth full of food too. 

Can chuckled how cute Tin was looking, though unlike his personality before. Lay saw this and elbowed Can and lowered him, 'You must not tell Li Yu about your relationship with Tin!' said Lay being serious. 

'Why though, he has been my friend since years.... ' Can questioned. ' But, Can did you know that he hates Gay People or anyone who associates with them! ' Lay snarled at Can, who's face was down. 'But what about Tin? How will he know? He would question me...' 

'I've all planned! Don't worry, I have talked to him about it.' 

'When did you?' Can asked, all puzzled.

'Don't ask so many questions, just go with the flow!'  

'Okay...' said Can quietly. 

'Any love interests Can?' Li Yu asked, turning to him, this was the question he was afraid of. 'No Li Yu...' said Can turning scarlet, making sure that no one sees his face. 'How I wished he had a lover! I'm just waiting in agony.' Said their mother dramatically, lowering her head. 

All laughed including Tin, 'You're his friend, are you?' Li Yu said to Tin, as Can became anxious. 'Yes, pretty close you see...' Tin said winking at Can, who turned more scarlet. 'Haha, you're funny, when we were young, we used to go to the same school, but got a lot of detention from the headmistress, excellent students we were! Had a lot of friends too. But later on, Can wanted to come back to his mum, and I stayed in China. But I do come sometimes here ..' Li Yu said with a funny yet regretful face, on which Can laughed. 

'tell me about you Tin, what do you fancy studying?' Li Yu popped the question and at this Tin was taken aback. 'Well you see, I study business, I've known Can and Lay for a while from my friend which made us close...' Tin said glancing at Can. 'Enough now! Now its time for presents!' Mrs Kirakorn said, bring five big rectangular boxes, handling them one each. 

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