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'Whatever..' muttered Tin, 'So how are you Can? Ready for tomorrow?' asked Pete to the latter who was busy playing with the game on his phone again. 

'Oh, for the fact as you can see that Tin broke my legs the other day, I have no idea if I can walk, so I dunno if I'm ready for tomorrow or not.' said Can sarcastically and Tin rolled his eyes, and threw the paper bag from his hand to Can. 

'What's this? Is this more food?' 

'No, an ointment for your legs actually, I knew something would be fishy, so I bought it.' said Pete, smiling and recalling the time when he and Ae had first made love, when Ae asked if his legs were still shaking. 

'You must have a good experience for it, I see,' Tin pursed his lips, leaving Pete blushing, he shrugged and went to lay beside Can, he pointed out the sofa not far away from their bed for Pete to sit. 

Pete hesitated at first but eventually gave up and sat on the chair. His hair were messy, his white shirt was very much of plain with his grey sweatpants.  "Uh... Can, Ae told me about the practice today and-' 

'And he isn't going anywhere.' Tin raises his eyes from his phone towards Pete. Can hit him lightly on the arm and said, 'Let him finish, Karen.' Tin shrugged yet again and signaled Pete to speak.

'-And he told you to rest.' 

'Is that what that shorty said to you?' Tin smirked lightly earning another smack from Can hardly on his shoulder, 'Tin!' 

'Alright, alright, is that what your boyfriend sent you for?' Tin teased and the latter front of him scoffed, 'I came here on my own account you-, never mind.'  Pete snarled and folded his hands as they heard yet another knock on the door, the young couple's eyes again turned to the other room, as Tin got up and signaled Pete to keep sitting on the chair. 

Can glanced at the latter sitting on the chair, he hesitated at first but his mouth couldn't keep that thing inside his stomach, 'Hey Pete....' said Can softly. 

'Hm? Can?' smiled Pete, 'Well, I was just wondering... d-did your legs went numb after Ae unwrapped your shrimp?' Can blurted out in his ever so fast tone. 

'Well.....' Pete went extremely scarlet, recalling the time went Ae made love to him for the first time and how his legs were shaking and how because of it Ae had to carry Pete for a bath. His cheek went a deep shade of red until he breathed heavily and begun 'It's normal for the first time, actually you'd be able to walk properly, I hope so, the next day..' 

Can laughed and begun ranting, 'Thanks, Pete! To be honest, my legs feel that they have climbed the Mount Everest and now I just can't feel them-' 

'You'll be fine, Can' pressed Pete on his shoulder, while Tin at the other room, opened the door, he shooked his head at sideways until saw a small figure in red tee shirt and black pants, her eyes squinted behind her glasses, her hair short, she first looked through the latter and analyzed the flat and begun, 'So, where's my stupid brother?' 

'Er..., he's with Pete, they must be talking? Why are you here?' Questioned Tin to Lay, at first she looked a little puzzled too and spoke up rolling her eyes, 'It was you who texted me, Tin.' 

'Oh.., Er.., yeah, come on in..' hesitated Tin, he led the way and she followed him, her neck turned around the big rooms in awe, she observed every wall in the house as they made their way to the tired latter's room. 

The faces of Pete and Can moved towards the new comer. Pete smiled for a second while Can had already dropped his jaw. 'Why on earth are you here you? Why did you let her in?' snarled Can as he pointed at Tin and later his pissed sister.

'Literally Can? Your boyfriend texted me and I had to leave my date with my girlfriend to take care of your paralyzed legs.' Tin and Pete burst out laughing with Lay's statement, Can had his mouth hanging with that insult. 'Fine do whatever you want just don't eat my head.' 

Lay had flopped herself beside Can and shook him roughly, 'Tell.Me.What.Happened'

'Why would I ever tell you, go and play with your drama boys.' snapped Can, Tin was busy with his work in the other room while Pete had gone back already, it had been 1 hour since Lay had came and she was keep bugging Can about the night the previous day. 

'Never mind, well, mum said you will have to come tomorrow to dress up yourself for the prom, so be on time, it's on 4:00pm.' 

'Hmm.' Hummed Can, nodding his head, he had no problem dressing at his house for the prom, he could've asked Tin but he would just laugh how much of a baby Can looks in a suit, with his puffy cheeks and monolid eyes, Tin would surely laugh on him, thought Can, though not much as Li Yu. 

'It's been days I haven't called that punk, I wonder what he's doing.' 


I'm extremely sorry for the late update, I have started my exams and it's such a headache to me and I also fell ill in the last few days, so here's it is, I had been working on it since a week maybe. 

Honestly I love A Chance to Love, it's so beautiful, I'm between whether I hate or love Tul, but if he dares lay a finger on my TinCan heart, imma not hesitate to beat his ass up, anyways it's amazing. Do read Tul's story, it's called 'Breathe' its totally heartbreaking and full of tragedy. 

Have a Can,

and stay tuned for the next chapter it would be long and interesting to read! You ya'll, stay safe!💕🤞

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and stay tuned for the next chapter it would be long and interesting to read! You ya'll, stay safe!💕🤞

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