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Warning: the following chapter may not be suitable for young readers below 15. It contains sexual and cuss words, read at your own risk, you have been warned.

Tin stopped midway, about glide on Can 'Wait a sec, Cantaloupe.' Tin hurried along the bedroom towards the door, his mind focused and his brows furrowed. 

'Why is he like this? He always goes away midway when I was enjoying it! I hate him so much, my god. He's always like this, he ruined my whole mood!' Can whined and yelled loudly. His mind was already in the state of giving his soul to the latter who went away leaving Can's tempting body.

Can angrily messed up the bed, and finally after a few minutes, with his face red, he flopped himself and pulled the sheets onto him turning his back opposite to the flat space which was supposed to be for Tin. 'He must be thankful I'm letting him sleep with me otherwise I would dump him on the sofa in the hallway!' 

Heavy and hurrying steps were to be heard along the hallway towards the bedroom. 'Hey Can-' Tin entered the room which was once heated, only to find his Cantaloupe under the covers, assuming to be asleep. 'You asleep, Cantaloupe?' 

'You!' Can sat up straight and yelled, he threw the pillow which was nearby lying. 'Go away, Medthanan! You ruined my whole fucking mood!' Tin ducked the pillow with his right hand. 

'Hey Can-' 

'What? What happiness do you get leaving me all along with my hot body on the bed, huh? It's not the fucking first time you've done this!' 

'I'm sorry-' 

'Go away! You'll sleep on the sofa today.' Tin sighed and rolled his eyes, not in annoyance, but in happiness that Can was so readily giving his body to him without thinking about the pain he'd go through. He took his hot and heavy body towards the bed where Can had shut his eyes with his brows frowned. 

'I'm still hard Cantaloupe,' He glided on Can's body which was only separated to touch due to the blanket Can had covered himself with. 'Let's do it~' Tin started to kiss Can's neck towards his chest further, turning him around and hastily removed the sheets on the latter. 'We needed condoms, you see.' 

'I don't care.' Can blushed for a second , his body telling otherwise. Tin pulled out Can's pants finally and began kissing from his abdomen till his thighs, and stroked him. Can breathed heavily, unable to see the latter's face which was busy doing the job. Can was fully naked now , they both were under the sheets.

'Can,' Tin got up to face him, who was busy enjoy the work Tin was doing. 'You're a virgin right?' 

'Oh- yeah.' Can hesitated for a second until Tin kissed him roughly exchanging saliva. 'I'm glad then.' Tin spoke and hungrily licked Can's neck, stretching his legs. He hurriedly grabbed a condom which Tin kept after he entered the bedroom and had kept on the table lamp. He ripped the cover off, and splashed a lot of lubricant on his hand. 'I'm fully naked, you're not. That isn't fair!' 

Can hurriedly got up to remove the expensive satin shirt Tin was wearing. One by one he undid the buttons and still keeping his haughty smirk on his face, removed the shirt hastily. His smirk slowly turned into a satisfied smile, his eyes turning into a crescent shape. His hands slowly caressed Tin's cheek. 

'Are we ever going to start?' Tin made a funny-sour face , waiting for Can to go further. 'Yeah.' Can let his body loose and flop on the bed. 'I'm a bit scared.' Tin stated. 

'Me too,' Can took a long pause as Tin wore the condom, applying lubricant between Can's butt cheeks  'The pain will go away, right? After a while?' 

Tin avoided Can's eyes this time, his mind in deep thinking. 'I believe it will go away quickly.' 

He stretched Can's legs this time, keeping himself at the entrance. 'I must give you a time to adjust for a minute after I enter.' 

Can nodded, gulping down his nervousness. Tin noticed it and bent down to kiss him, 'It would be fine.' He reassured the nervousness of the latter. He took a long, deep breath until finally entering Can. 

Can let out a very heavy breath along with Tin. 'You're very tight! Argh!' 

'No you're huge!' Can heavily snapped back, his back arching upwards. His right hand on Tin's waist while the other was on his mouth, trying hard not to let out a whimper. 

Two hours had already past since their love making. The sun was about to set and there was heat between the two lovebirds going wild now and then. Tin thrusted harder into Can who was moaning loudly that it could be heard outside their flat. Tin's moans weren't any soft either. He was trying not to moan too, but failed every time he tried to do so. 

'Ah faster~' Can whimpered, his hands clenching the messy bedsheets. 'I'm very close, Cantaloupe~' Tin clenched his teeth from the pleasure. 'Ah Cantaloupe~' 

'Tin~' Can whined and moaned louder biting his lips as he got so much pleasure. 'It's a lot of pleasure~' 

'Just a little more, please.' Tin pleaded, his eyes shut. He had had a lot of sex back when he was in UK and in Thailand, though he didn't had any interest in the women who had sex with him,  with his negative mindset, he just did it. 

'Ah shit!' Tin whined loudly, he thrusted deeper in Can as he came. Can had got the signal and came on his abdomen. 'Argh.' 

Tin pulled himself up from Can's exhausted body, sweat all over them. Can gave out a heavy breath and had let his body loose. Tin grabbed a number of tissues from the table lamp and started cleaning Can's sticky stomach covered by his semen. 

'I'll never make love to you again, Tin,' Can whined in pain, caressing his back. 'If I don't walk tomorrow, you'll face some real mess.' 

'I've already faced your mess,' Tin flopped himself beside Can. 'It was very fun.' 

'Let me sleep, now, you broke my body,' Can turned his back on Tin and shut his eyes. 'It felt good though.' 

Hearing this, Tin sheepishly smile and hugged Can and with his head on Can's shoulder, cuddling, they slept under the beautiful night sky. 

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