Bookstore - I

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The man with his small beard sat in the basement, crossing his legs, with his hair neatly parted and wearing a classic suit. 'Stalk this man for me.' He held up the picture of a young boy merely in his twenties, who carried his bag on his arm, his side facing.

'And what will I get in return? Stalking is not that easy mate.' The blond-haired man replied taking a chair to sit in front of him. He hadn't expected him to come all the way from Bangkok to Chiang Mai just to deal. 

'Name your price.' The travelled man said, relaxing his shoulders, running a hand through his hair. 'Just to stalk a person like this, seems rich, what relations do you have with him, the price depends on that, mate.' 

'That's not really important, I can only tell you that he is the person I hate the most and I want him destroyed, not dead.' He replied.

'Fine then, I won't tell you the price now, but it would cost a lot.' The blond-haired man said, raising his left brow, giving him a warning, the two men behind him nodding. 

'Surely. I will take my leave now, start stalking him from tomorrow, I want each and every detail, whom he meets, where he goes, what he does. Each and every detail.' He highlighted as he got up and went. 

The blond-haired man once again held the picture to take a look. 'What are we going to do Man?' One of the guys behind asked as the other one nodded. 'I will leave today for Bangkok, it won't be hard, he says he lives with him, so I'll start from his house. You will stay here, only I can go, I don't want trouble.' warned Man.

'Yes, sire.'


Tin was in the theatre with Can, waiting for the movie to start, as for now, he was alone. Can had gone to bring popcorn, which Tin had never tried. His life had been like a Prince's, tracked every time, staying at home, rare friends. His life had been suffocating inside the cage which he never tried to get out from. Thankfully Can had the key.

'Want some?' Can hopped on his seat beside Tin, passing the popcorn to him. Tin's face lit up when he tasted it, he looked at it with awe. He never knew such a small thing can taste so good. They had agreed to watch 'Aladdin', but before Lay had suggested to watch the new film of the series 'Fifty Shades' but Can declined, yelling at her.

'Sit up, Tin. It's going to start!' Can squealed at Tin, who adjusted himself. They were sitting far behind, and no one was there in their line nor in the front three lines. Everyone was sitting in the front. 

In the end, they had gone out of the theatre, Can be energetic and so did Tin. They had stopped by a restaurant not because they were hungry but because they didn't wanted to end their date.

'Damn, the movie was amazing!' Can exclaimed as Tin nodded taking a sip from his strawberry smoothie. 'I'd like to go once more.' said Tin looking up to Can. 'Surely, get used to it now.' said Can as he finished his smoothie.

'Can you come to the bookstore with me? I need to get something for Lay and for myself.' Can asked waiting for Tin to finish. He was usually the first to finish eating as he ate fast. 'Sure, what do you wanna take?' asked Tin as he finished his smoothie.

'A manhwa for me and a manga for Lay.' answered Can as he paid at the counter, putting away his wallet. 'what's that?' questioned Tin, his face confused. 'You don't know?' Tin shook his head. 

'A manhwa is a Korean comic book, a manga is a Japanese comic book. With me so far?' said Can as they walked out of the restaurant, walking across the street. 

They entered the bookstore as the old man on the counter watched them. 























'Quite late, Mr. Kirakorn!'


I know I know that I'm late but my mum grounded me and I had to work on my studies, hehe. I hope you enjoyed reading this story just as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'd post the next chapter as fast as possible!. Stay safe, eat well.

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