Ending Scene

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Man stepped out, in complete shock. "This man seemed to be more intelligent that I thought him to be." He thought. He looked at the documents he was holding in his hand after presenting it to Trai Medthanan. 

Their unexpected meeting went well, without Tul finding out. Trai scanned the documents thoroughly before handling them back to Man, he wished him well and went back into writing the email. Man bid him goodbye and now stood just before the door. Not knowing what to do first. He bobbed his head to both the sides before moving away from Trai's office. 

Trai had instructed Man to bring the boys back to Bangkok, since he had all the proofs, with various witnesses beside him, Tul had no chance of standing up to them. Trai only told Man to do this much and leave the rest to him. As he had so much connections to various powerful people Tul probably may have never heard of. 

Man walked out and went to Tul's room again, but found him no where. He thought the man to be sober from drinking too much. He already had work to do without being paid, and he didn't bothered. He had been paid so much already. 

'You back?' Tul's voice echoed through the room, 'Quite late, y'know.' He seemed to have woken just from sleep. His hair a mess, eyes half sleepy and what he need was a literal shower. 

'Y-yeah.' Man stuttered for a bit, and breathed normally. He smiled and spoke, 'I got another work to do actually..' 

'So fast? You're being well known I guess?' Tul yawned, 'Father wants me in his office now, so I need to go. Do I need to send someone to drop you?' 

Man widened his eyes for a minute, but didn't made it obvious. He just nodded. 

'No need, I'm going directly for the work.' He hesitated, but the latter seemed to not notice. He nodded and wondered at the other man's work. He did got an offer quite swiftly. But he wasn't free to think about other people's business, it was better if he thought of his own, for a dreadful crime had had done.

 Man said and went out leaving Tul dumbfounded. It wasn't new for him, Man was always straight forward in showing his hatred to him. Just like his brother. Tul shrugged it off as always and moved to his room on the first floor to freshen himself up. Wondering what out of the blue work his father had for him. 


'You may burn in hell if you take my queen.' The grandfather gritted his teeth upon Tin taking two of his rooks. This was the third round they were playing. Tin had lost one, the older won one. This was the last, so to also announce the real winner. 

Can, Xiao Xi and Li Yu were up in their bedroom minding their business. Tin was asked by the grandfather to have a match of chess with him. Though, it had been three rounds already. 

It was about to be night. The grandmother was busy preparing the dinner, and it was long ago since the football match finished. 

The starts were twinkling, there was noise of insects to add up to the scene, it was extremely dark outside but the street lights kept the hope up. There was sounds and shouting of children playing outside. There was a dangling sound of windchimes echoing the house. Everything was very pleasant and dreamy.  Gossiping was to be heard outside of women and men loudly of useless topics. The construction workers were doing their job on breaking, shaping various types of cements and there was little fight between two people unnoticed. It was a beautiful February. 

It was pretty cold to have two men sitting on the ground and play chess, but the mattress helped a little. For a person almost eighty, The grandfather was very sporty and a fun person to be with. His wife on the other side was cool, aloof and needed someone to loosen herself. Her husband was just the perfect kind. They had met during war and had befriended one another, and their friendship blossomed into love. They were very young during that time, and being refused to work as a comfort woman, the grandmother successfully ran away with some girls a bit older than her. They rather chose death than being raped. 

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