Tonight -II

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'Wait, that hurts mom'. Can struggled to speak as Mrs. Kirakorn was tightening the belt around Can's waist. He was wearing a bright pink suit with suitable silk pants, with his hair slit back . His mom was fixing his belt which was tied very hastily by Can, in hurry to get to the prom at his University. 

He didn't think how he should look as long as he got food and have fun with Tin and his friends. Mrs Kirakorn spun him round and round to check him out and it would've been happened for a thousand times already. Lay and Chompoo had gone already wearing blue and pink silk dresses respectively. 

'You look so cute.' Mrs Kirakorn pinched Can's cheek hard which caused him to squint his eyes. 'Mom will he like this?' Can struggled to speak. 

'You mean Tin? Yeah perhaps, you look like a kid, you see, but also a bit handsome.' Mrs Kirakorn flashed her smile at her son, who didn't seemed as satisfied with the look. He went to the huge mirror to check himself out again. 'Yeah not that bad, at least I don't look the way I had worn suit for the first time back in China. Li Yu still laughs about it. He says as though he looked like Mr. World.' Can mimicked the last sentence. 

'Whatever, Tin's out, go now. Have fun.' Mrs Kirakorn kissed her son and let him ran around from house to the main gate, running over to the person he loves so much. She followed him behind to the kitchen to grab something to fulfill her evening hunger, not heavy but sufficient to end that. She noticed Can was at the door wearing his shoes rather very hastily, tying it with so much hurry that he might trip and fall, but she knew, after several cries he will get up on his own. With Tin beside him he would be okay.

Tin was busy waiting beside his car glancing at his wrist watch every now and then. He had been at the door a half an hour earlier hoping that Can would've started getting ready but he was half and hour late. What did he expect? 

Can stepped out to find Tin waiting bored beside his car, he eyed him up and down not believing that he was looking so good. The more closer he went the more clearer and handsome he got, and more Can's mouth got widened. 'Greek gods would die in shame.' he muttered.

Tin and Can were about a meter apart. Tin eyed Can from top to bottom only to say, 'You look nice and cute like a bear.' he phrased as he opened the door for him. Can should've thought of something funny for Tin too, he thought. The drive went smooth. Can was bitterly arguing with Tin that he called him a bear, while the latter was being romantic to calm the tiger beside him, it was only five minutes for parking that Tin pecked Can's lips to shut him up. 

'You look like a princess.' Lay commented, her hand tangled with Chompoo who had said that he looked rather handsome. 'He looks good to me. Why are you so rude to your brother?' This time Tin totally cracked up along with Lay. 

'You don't have a sibling, Chompoo. This is only page one.' Can face was disbelieved as Lay spoke. The musicians at the stage were busy singing with no special song, not quite after it was Tharn's turn. Tin had Can had paid no special attention to them, they were at the food court all the time, discussing. Discussing what? food. Can's favorite and probably Tin's too. 

'Hey you idiots! Aren't you gonna dance?' Pond barged in, and Tin's good mood with Can was totally ruined. 'Uh.. no, I cannot,' Can hesitated. 'The last time I did, I tripped. I'm okay, I'll eat.' 

'Isn't that's what you do every day without a break? Anyway, Tin, Pete's asking for you, I dunno why. You're scaring me...' 

'Just go away already.' Tin had his eyed fixed on Pond, already killing him in his mind. 'I'll be back.' He smiled at Can.

'Your man's something else. I'll go, ChaAim must be waiting for me.' Pond fixed his hair and suit. straightening his spine he went off. Can nodded swiftly and grabbed a drink kept beside him in a tray. The taste was rather tangy and not co-operative with the night's view. He kept the glass back, dissatisfied. He eyed everyone around him, wearing sparkling dresses and suits, loads of makeup made them stand out and made them look totally different from their usual self. 

'You look alone?' Can turned around in shock. Man was in a total handsome suit looking amazing as ever. His hair done well and slit back, his scars well hidden and looking very classy before Can made him look older. 'I don't want to seem rude, just asking. You alone?' 

'Who-Who are you?' Can hesitated. Suddenly he didn't wanted to be here, his eyes were searching desperately for Tin. 'I'm taken of course!' 

'Not like that, I'm asking whether you're free? One of your friends was asking for you.' - Man held out his hand for Can to shake, 'I'm Man, I work as an agent for your University.' 

Can didn't noticed the hand and questioned immediately, 'Which one?' He almost yelled, hating the conversation, 'I don't have friends.' 

'You're cute,' Man chuckled and took a pause at Can's reaction, 'You're adorable, You're that Medthanan's boyfriend, aren't you?' 

'Why? What's the problem?' Can grew uneasy, he totally hated this man now, 'What's your problem? I don't wanna talk.' He grabbed that tangy drink he didn't liked and slurped. 

'He's asking for you. Your boyfriend. He's asked me to bring you.' Can's lip twitched, he didn't trusted this person who showed up out of the blue and asking him to go out at his boyfriend's. If that was the case, Tin's would've called or at least texted him? Maybe he had forgotten. Or his phone ran out of battery. But it had always been full. Maybe it happened this time only? All these questions made Can scratch his head vigorously. 

'You coming or no?' Man asked desperately, time was running out for him, time was the only thing he needed. 'No wait let me text him.' Can hurriedly took out his phone from his pocket, but it was snatched from Man, 'You don't trust me?' 

This was the only question Can was afraid of, his worst fear was making people disappointed, more worst? At him. Can thought and thought, his head hurting he could take it anymore. The pressure was too much for his innocent brain. 

'Alright... If it's for him, then alright.' Can nodded and sighed. Man gave a soft smile and led Can at the parking lot where his care was parked. 'It won't take a long ride, you can relax.' 

'Relax? I don't feel good with you.' Can sat, his hands crossed, his cheek in a shade of deep red showing his anger. 'It's okay, you can take a quick nap, the seats are enough comfortable for an activity such as that..'  Man sounded as a father reassuring his angry child for not buying a lollipop. 

To not sound further rude, Can didn't said anything. He didn't closed his eyes but kept them glued to the road before him visible through the glass. 'Where are we going anyway?' 

'He ordered me to not tell you.'

What the heck? Not even tell Can? He grew more restless and if possible angry. He didn't spoke the whole ride to Man, who tried making a conversation. 

The was only 5 minutes, Can complained that they would've walked and reached more fast. The view was mesmerizing, it caught anyone's attention, even the saddest person could leave all its work to admire the view. 

The night blue sky was filled with glowing stars, the walkway made of wood, made it look old and antique. The sea water thrived to come up the way but failed every time. This was a type of a scenario Ae and Pete would've spent in their date and probably, him and Tin too. 

'Where's he?' Can asked annoyed, he sworn that he would've rather walked than take a ride with this boring man standing beside him. 

'He might've been coming, stuck in traffic I guess?' Man saw the view clearer, it was pretty beautiful indeed, but it had no affect on him whatsoever. Romance wasn't made for him, he didn't hated people dating, it wasn't just his cup of tea. 

'Wanna take a step closer? You wouldn't see this type of a view again and again you see?' 

He had a point, he would get to see this view again and again. He stepped on the walkway whose color was much brown before but now, it was completely faded. He didn't noticed that Man was stepping up too. He was too busy admiring the view. 

He felt a sharp push behind him, he didn't reacted anything. It was too late. He lost his breath and fell in the clod, dark and deep water. His lungs felts very full till his mouth, his brain couldn't function anymore. He couldn't breathe. He struggled to keep up, his hands and legs went numb and before drowning, he saw Tul Medthanan's face for the second time. 

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