Only You

891 29 13

~Flashback~ Before Tin leaves his house for dinner at Can's. 

Tin got a text on his phone, as he frowned his eyebrows, it was an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, It's me Lay.

Tin: Oh, Hello Lay.

Lay: I just wanted to ask you. Did Can tell you about our mum?

Tin: I'm sorry but he didn't tell me anything? 

Lay: I knew he didn't, well Tin I apologize on Can's.

Tin: But for what Lay?

Lay: Well you see, we can't let our mum know about your relationship Tin. It would be a wee of a shock for her to see him come out so suddenly.

Tin: It's totally okay Lay, I can understand, she'd probably be upset if we tell her now.

Lay: Yes Tin, I'm sorry, is there anything I could do for you?

Tin: Well I can understand if you don't.

Lay: Just tell me.

Tin: Help me date Can...

Lay: Well, aren't you both already dating?

Tin: We are Lay, but I want to be a typical boyfriend for him you know..

Lay: Leave it to me, I'm good at these things, don't worry. You won't face any problems dating him as long as there's me...

Tin: I appreciate your help Lay, thanks a lot.

Lay: Don't mention it Tin! See you at dinner.

Tin: Yeah. 


'No, you're such a good captain!' Can exclaimed as they were having their break. 'I know.' said Techno emotionless, he wanted to show no affection to Can as he knew what he was up to.

 'You're so handsome!' 

'say that in front of your boyfriend to me.'

'You're so kind!' 

'Just get to the point Can!' No said finally being annoyed, he wondered how Tin would've handled such a monkey. 

'Buy me lunch.' said Can with his puppy eyes which made no change in Techno. 


Your boyfriend is literally a billionaire!'.

'Yea.. so?' said Can squinting his eyes. 'He would be happy if you spend his money on food for yourself Can!' No finally said with annoyance while his team, Ae, Type, Good and other members were laughing. 'Literally Can, he could buy you lifetime food!' Type said while he was stretching. 

'I am not dating him for his money you blithering idiot!' said Can, with his face red from anger. 'Woah, watch your language, young man.' Ae said, surprised. The only thing he and Can had one thing in common was their temper. They couldn't guarantee it.

'Watch your language young man.' Techno mimicked him and later smirked. They saw a tall, young man approach them carrying his bag. 

'Hello.' Pete said politely to everyone, joining his hands, (It's a traditional way to greet in Thai). 'Hello Pete' Everyone said joining their hands too, and as Ae stood up. 'I was coming to you Pete anyways.' 

'Yeah to unwarp shrimps.' Type said smugly teasing Ae as Pete didn't hear that he turned to Can. 'Tin is looking for you Can.' said Pete smiling, pointing behind him. 

'Can's going to be busy these days, I wonder when Tin will unwrap his shrimp.' Techno whispered to Type, who gave out a laugh. 

'I'm going.' 

'Oi! We have practice!' Techno said widening his eyes, as he was stopped by Good. 'You can survive without me.' Can said squinting his eyes at him. 'Let....him......go...' Good said holding No's hand. 'Thanks, Good!' yelled Can as he ran outside the field. He didn't need to ask Pete where Tin was, he usually sits at the chess-benches to complete his assignments and work. 

'Can!' Tin waved as he was sitting on his usual bench to do his work. Can ran towards him, and took a seat opposite of him. 'looking for me?' said Can, resting his face between his eyes.

'Yeah, let's have lunch, I'm hungry...' Tin said taking away his eyes from his paperwork. 'Oh-kay' said Can. 'Phu loved the jumper, he said it was very warm, wasn't removing it.' Tin said flashing his smile at Can. 'I wore it while sleeping, I woke up late.' Can laughed at this, he didn't expected Tin to do this though. 'She will make you one every year, she does for my friends, so she'd do for you too.' Can said relaxing his shoulders. 'That's a lot from you Can but -' 

'-Thank you for your kind words master Tin, but that doesn't apply to my family.' said Can savagely which took Tin off guard. 

'Okay, okay. I give up. Let's go, I'm starving...'  said Tin putting his things in his bag neatly and got up. 'Okay, I'll pay, just got my monthly allowance..' 

'Why can't I pay Can?' Tin questioned, stopping on tracks. 'You pay everytime anyway, what difference will it make if I pay, we both are going to eat. Assume it's my treat.' 







































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