First day

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'I'd throw my shoes on you head Tin if you don't keep them there!' Can yelled on top of his lungs at Tin, who had agreed to help Can, but instead messed things up and Can was nagging like a mom. 

'Yeah, yeah. I understood.' said Tin in an undertone as he kept the shoes neatly inside the table. He had agreed to help Can, and Can declined several times but Tin insisted to do so and let Can explore the apartment but Can was sat on the couch to keep an eye on Tin.

'I told you Tin, I could do it myself!' Can whined. Though while he was leaving, Lay and Mrs Kirakorn's reactions weren't like as he thought they would be. They were happily bidding Can at their front gate and Can felt speechless as Tin laughed outside the gate in his car. 

'I'll keep my clothes in the wardrobe, you go and have a bath, you're sweating.' Tin nodded and grabbed a towel from his new wardrobe and went inside the new, polished bathroom.

 After Can folded his clothes, neatly and properly and Tin came out from his bath and hopped his long body on the big, brown couch. It was already evening and dark. 

'Come here, Cantaloupe.' Tin spread his arms over the couch. 'No.' 


'Don't call me Cantaloupe.' Can glared at Tin but he just smirked. 'You like it when I call you Cantaloupe, don't you?' teased Tin. 


'You're blushing.' 

'No, I'm not~' Can hid his flushed, red cheeks in his hands. 'I don't like to repeat myself, Cantaloupe.' said Tin in his deep voice and Can got shivers. 

Can took his slow steps towards Tin and sat beside him as Tin wrapped his long, slender arm around Can. 'What do you wanna watch?' asked Tin as he switched on the Television with the remote and Can wrapped his arms around Tin's waist which took him by shock. 

'I dunno, maybe a movie?' 


'Any.' replied Can innocently not realising that Tin's face was scarlet. 'You hungry?' asked Can. 

'Probably, I guess.' replied Tin as he put on an animated movie, which he thought Can liked. 'I'll cook something.' 

'You can cook?' questioned Tin, startled. 'Of course, I can. You thought I was stupid?' said Can disbelieving. He went straight into the kitchen leaving Tin dumbfounded on the couch. 

The kitchen's wallpaper was lavender, a colour which reminded him of his mother. She liked the colour lavender. He promised to meet them on weekends, especially Gucci. He never went away without his dog, besides the trips with his high-school friends.

It took an hour for him to cook the dishes, he didn't know what Tin liked so he made the common things people name as their favourites. 'The dinner's ready!' yelled Can to which Tin replied in a second. 

Tin entered the kitchen, it was quite big. With a dining table on which Can settled the dishes neatly. 

Tin couldn't believe his eyes, the Can whom he knew so naive to know anything, could do such things. But he kept a poker face. 

The dining table was decorated with wonderful dishes, it was the same as Tin went for dinner at Can's house and now to Tin, it felt more like a home than an apartment. 'Are you going to eat while you stand or even consider sitting?' said Can as he untied the apron tied tightly to his small waist. 

'Oh- yes.' Tin stuttered and took a seat alongside Can. 'Be careful, it's hot.' warned Can as he took a big bowl to pour the meat along with the soup. 

'Yeah, I'm not a kid.' said Tin as he took a piece of meat and opened his mouth. And it felt wonders, it was marvellous, it wasn't a dream, it was real. 'How's it?' 

'Very good, I must say.' said Tin, not failing to keep his poker face straight. 'I know right!' Can squealed. 

They ate dinner quietly, without any sound. 'You wanna cuddle?' asked Tin as they were laying on their king-sized bed. Can had his back towards Tin, he wasn't able to sleep since half an hour. 'Yeah?' Can turned his head towards Tin, with hope in his eyes.

'Come here, Cantaloupe.' Tin opened his arms towards Can in which Can went shyly. 'Comfortable?' 

'A lot' Can replied and closed his eyes and slept swiftly and soundly. Tin took a deep breath -

'You know, Cantaloupe. I always wanted to tell you that I feel the luckiest man alive when I'm with you. I feel so loved and I'm so thankful to you. I can't express myself into words that it feels so special. I'm so thankful to God that I've met you and that I'm together with you. And that no matter how we went through the obstacles, which may have to come. I'd always be by your side and I'm sure you'd be on mine too. I'd always love you even if we aren't together, I'm happy that I know that I'm loved and being loved that it's not a dream nor a nightmare and that I've loved someone as special as you, thank you, Cantaloupe.' 

'You're asleep already?' Tin lifted his brows and smiled. 'Happy to know that you're comfortable.' Tin finally closed his eyes and drifted into the dreamland which only included him and Can.






















































Can wasn't asleep

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