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Tin and Can sat for a while eating the fries Can had bought, Tin didn't complain, to Can's surprise he instead liked them saying that they're crispy and tasty. After eating they went on looking for rides and what to try first. Can choose rollercoasters, Tin always wanted to ride them when he was kid, but he was too small, his that wish faded with age. 

Can had made Tin ride roller coasters fives times in a row. It had made Tin open his mouth to the fullest, he surely had a puke feeling, but nothing came out. Can later apologized for it, but Tin shrugged it off. Can had asked Tin what to try next, Tin asked to ride circular rides though he had rode them, but he had lost those feelings.

While riding that, Can hold on to Tin very tightly, he thought he would fall off any time. After they got off, Tin was laughing. Can observed him while laughing, he had never seen someone so beautiful while laughing, but he didn't told this to Tin, thinking that telling him this would make the moment awkward. Can said nothing for a while until Tin spoke up.

'Wanna eat something?' Tin had been hungry, due to the excitement, he hadn't ate anything for the breakfast and so did Can. But in Can's case, he was much more nervous than excited. 

'Yea.... I didn't had breakfast' Can said the last line quietly, making sure Tin didn't heard it and he didn't. If he had did, he would start nagging and drag him to eat, and he didn't wanted that.

'You look good by the way. Did Lay made you wear this?' Tin complimented, blushing while keeping a straight face, he had noticed from the first that Can looked very handsome in that outfit, he was just shy to tell him this.

'Well yeah, Lay made me wear this. You look good too...' He wanted to add handsome, but didn't due to his fast heartbeat which happened due to Tin's compliment. He didn't told him about the hours it took him to choose this. His heart always skipped a beat when he hold on to Tin while riding the rides.

'Let's go, I'm hungry.......I will pay.' Tin started walking towards the restaurants which appealed to him, he wanted to pay for the food by himself as it was his first date which he enjoyed. He wanted to treat Can and to appear manly and to take care of him.

'Wait Tin!' Can yelled, making sure Tin would hear. 'What happened Can?' Tin said widening his eyes and lifting his brows. 

'Well Tin you don't really have to pay..' Can said coming close to Tin and now standing beside him, facing him.  'Why?' Tin replied, disappointed. He wanted to pay all the things by himself for him and Can. 

'You see Tin, today's the twenty fifth anniversary of this Amusement Park. So all the things are free. You don't really have to pay. We had free rides, didn't that appealed to you?' Can said with a bright smile. 

'Oh... Never mind let's go, you must be hungry.' Tin said taking Can's hand into his and going forward, dragging a blushed Can.


My god Tin, don't do this! You're just making me dead with your visuals and this now! Are you even for real? your every movement makes my heart goes crazy.

It must have been so difficult to date you if I was born a girl, thank you God I was born a man. I just feel so flustered by you. Don't do this please, makes me want you more. It feels so good now to be with you, to be around you, feels like there is no evil in this world anymore. I feel so special.


Why are you like this Can? do you even know what kind of impact you have on me? You made me have a boner early in the morning, and now being cute does not helps me. You'll repay for sure, just wait! 

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