Dinner - I

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'You think he'll buy you a lollipop which costs 5 baht?!You can't buy that yourself?, you're ruining a sweet moment.' Type yelled at Good smacking his head from behind as he walked with his boyfriend, Tharn. 

'I'm glad you're dating Can, I heard you started out like us?' Tharn questioned them, Type and Tharn started out as enemies but later fell in love, the same situation was for Tin and Can. 'Yes Tharn but the only difference is that we're not roommates-' 'It wont take much time to change that Can.' Type said with a smirk on his face with Tin and Can staring at him. 

'If...... they were ......roommates......, Tin wouldn't....... spare him....' Good said, as Can's face was getting paler at the thought. Good wasn't wrong, Tin had became possessive lately. At this statement Can became scarlet but Tin kept his smug face straight. 

After they split up and went towards their work, Tin and Can went to the football field which had benches on the paths, it had two seats as they sat, Can was facing Tin. 'Why did you kiss me? I had bad breath...' Can said pouting, he had ate half of Good's meal along with his in the lunchtime. 

'They looked like they needed one.' Tin said keeping his eyes fully focused on the screen of his laptop. He had had lunch before, and wasn't hungry, he wanted to take Can to lunch but he wasn't hungry either. 

'"They looked like they needed one" you say, if that was the reason then we could've done it now.' Can said and regretted the last lines, he didn't wanted to kiss him because of his bad breath. As Tin smirked and moved forward, he was stopped by a thin pitched voice behind him, 

'Hey you Medthanan! Did my work?' Nor came out nagging and yelling at the couple, 'Why would I do your nonsense work?' Tin replied, 'Really, why would a person like "him" do the work for "you"?' Can said with gritted teeth, he really hated the attitude of this girl and the way she treated Tin. 

'Who on earth are you? Small eyes and a big, talking mouth, probably doesn't even knows anything.' Nor said rudely at Can and felt someone grabbing her hair very hard at the back, pulling her in the front.

'You filthy little witch! You dare speak like that to my brother?!' Lay slammed her on the ground, making Tin and Can stand up by shock.

'Oh My God, Lay! Spare her life we don't want her dead!' Can yelled unlike Tin, who was enjoying the scene. Nor couldn't complain this to her father as Tin's company is a big share holder of her father's. 

Lay left her after a beating of five minutes, 'That felt good!' 

'Not good, but brilliant!' Tin exclaimed with happiness, he felt very happy that Lay beat her. 'But Lay, why did you do it, I mean so bad?' Can questioned horrified. He was scared of Lay now, he did got beaten up by her many times, but not like this. 

'Well Can, this rat ruined up out annual day's costumes and the scripts! Needed to teach her a lesson, I don't regret it..' Lay said feeling prouder than ever. She suddenly realised something which is why she came to Can. 

'Well Tin, our mum is coming home from Phuket, so I'm making the dinner, would you join us?' Lay asked the tall man who was standing before her with her younger brother. 'Yes Tin, you must join us, its lot of food, you'll enjoy it!' Can exclaimed at Tin. 

'Your mom wouldn't mind?' Tin questioned, he didn't wanted to ruin their family moment, and come as a guest who wasn't invited. 'No Tin!, besides she'll love if you're at the dinner.' Can said to Tin. 

'You're always welcomed at our home Tin..' Lay said to Tin with a little hope in her eyes. 'Okay I'll come, but I don't want to be a guest who wasn't invited..' 

'You aren't Tin, you are always welcomed..' Can whispered to Tin with a reassured smile. 'Come at 7:00 Tin, dinner would be ready by then, c'mon Can we have to go, mom will ground us if we aren't home by now .' 

'Okay, bye Tin, come at 7:00!' Can bid as Lay dragged him, Tin didn't got to say anything and kept laughing at the scene, flashing his teeth. He later packed up all his things and went off to his so-called home along with his car. He hated going there as if he wasn't welcomed there, he hated to see Tul much more. 

He entered the gates of his house, with whom he was welcomed by his nephew, Phu. 'Welcome home uncle Tin!' Phu exclaimed at Tin, happy to see him. 'Thanks Phu, I feel very happy that you're here before me..' Tin said picking him up,

 'Wanna watch a movie?'

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