Strawberries & Cigarettes

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'Damn, it's been an hour already!' Can roared as he, Tin, Yang Xi and Li Yu walked through the long, thin and brittle grass. Their idea of going to the strawberry farm was good, since the last time Can came, he reckoned it took far less time to reach there. 

Tin was just behind him, following him. Yang Xi at the most front and Li Yu behind her. They looked like four small ducklings in the big yard. There was too much heat, and so was tan. None seemed to see that they were in their own problems or anything, they were just students having fun in their early twenties. 

'Only twenty minutes since we left.' Li Yu snapped back, since it was only him who heard Can's complaint. There was a huge yard looking small, being visible to them within just a few meters. Yang Xi ran at her very full speed, so did Can as being the regular athletes of their respective schools. 

It was only Tin and Li Yu left. What shall they speak when their personalities lie on the same angle? They weren't very different from one another, except for their ethnicities and their sizes.

 With Tin wearing Li Yu's outfits, they were a bit tight on him to show of his muscles and huge physique. Li Yu was just a few centimeters shorter than Tin, but still a bit taller than Can. They were quiet and just a few meters far away from the farm. 

'You seem an athlete to me, Tin?' 

The smaller one smiled sweetly to his right. Tin finally seemed to acknowledge the talk Li Yu started. 

'No, but I played some basketball years ago.' Tin tried to smile but horribly failed to show his sincerity. 

'That's why you're tall, I assume.' Li Yu finally seemed to crack his smile, but this time he didn't turned his head to show it. 'I played it for a few months actually, it's genetics I guess.' 

'People must like you, Li Yu.' 

'Oh no, I annoy people.' 

'Er..' That's the only thing Tin could reply, that's was unexpected as Li Yu never annoyed him. Did they even had a proper talk to annoy the latter? 

It was just a matter of seconds since their not so boring conversation finished. They had already subconsciously entered the farm and they could see tiny figures of Can and Yang Xi with their faces half full with strawberries and a basket full with the fruit. 

Tin and Li Yu weren't a big fan of strawberries. The last time Tin had a taste of it, his face made the most funniest expression ever of his life. But when Can was so excited to show him the farm, he couldn't resist his lover and come.

 Li Yu on the on other hand was just here to collect two baskets of strawberries for jam The Grandmother wished to make. 

'You like strawberries Tin? You can get some, they wouldn't bite.' Li Yu chuckled softly, directing his eyed to the two young-adult children running around not giving the damn whether The Uncle was yelling at them or not. 

'I don't like strawberries, I like cantaloupe.' 

'Understandable.' Li Yu excused himself to the corner leaving Tin alone there, Can had noticed him by then, and signaled him to come over. Tin couldn't understand him with his mouth filled with small red berries. But he still understood him anyway. 


'What on earth do you think you're doing?!' The grandfather yelled on top of his voice, standing up with furiousness, his hand banging on the table. 

Man sitting across the table didn't seemed to pay attention at all. The Grandmother too seemed to mind her own business as though this is the daily rant of her husband. 

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