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'So you've decided to stay at your grandmothers?' Can nodded , not wanting to eat the food kept before him on the table as sat opposite to Man's while his mother was beside him. Totally sad and in despair after knowing the situation.

'Mum reckons it's the safest place to hide and he wouldn't even know.' Can spoke, 'When are we supposed to leave?' He looked up to meet his Mum's eyes, begging for approval to leave tonight. As soon as they had entered the house, Man had asked to talk privately with Can and his mother, asking Tin to stay in Can's room for the time being. And it had been only and hour, their minds in total stress. They had to think of such a strategy to not hurt anyone but still survive.

'I don't really mind if you leave now, but I would really appreciate if you both stay here. Mother wouldn't mind with you there. There's not a chance he'll find out about you both being there. Have you talked with Tin about it?' Mrs Kirakorn struggled to speak between her tears. The fact to loose her son along with his lover scared her. If there was a choice for Tul Medthanan to choose between Can and his mother, she wouldn't hesitate once to let go of herself for him.

'I'll go and confront him.' Can got up, yawning but still serious. As soon as he opened the door of his bedroom after months, his eyes met Tin's. Tin stumbled to get up to speak, but couldn't. He was weak. And Can knew that. That made him more human. For him, protecting Tin was the only that mattered at the moment. 'What's the decision? I don't want to go. I'd like to stay, I've caused enough trouble to you all. And please Can, please hide while I handle...' Tin's eyes begged as he got closer to the small body which had got common cold to suffer from. Can sniffled and almost laughed, unbelievable, Can thought.

'Honestly Tin, I'm in no mood for a fight! Why can't you see what's everyone doing! Everyone loves you and cares for you but you think you're better at handling situations. We're in this together why can't you see that!' Can yelled and shook Tin furiously. The latter was at a loss of words. He had nothing to reply. Can took a breath and begun again, 'Get ready, there's some of my clothes in the closet which were big for me. You can use them. We're going...'

He stepped out of the room and saw a hooded dark figure leaning at the wall beside of his door which hung the 'Cantaloupe' sign. Man straightened himself and gave a casual nod. 'I'm sorry to hear your fight. But I think it's okay to have a little fights in relationships..'

'How do you know? Weren't you just ranting at my mother before that you're allergic to relationships?' Can snapped back. 'Yes it's true, but that doesn't means that I don't know. Hurry up, we need to leave fast. I don't have enough time. I'll send you off there and come back..' He sighed and went in the dining room ignoring Can's glare. He shrugged it off and went down, which basically was following Man.

As he stepped down the stairs, his eyes met his mother's. 'Why can't I come with you?'. 'I don't want that shithole near you or Lay, please Ma, pretend for a while that I don't exist.' Can turned his head to the refrigerator to avoid his mother seeing his tears. Mrs Kirakorn sighed and went up the stairs, not knowing what to do to convince her son. 

'I honestly want to come with you both.' Lay handed a bag to Tin which contained his clothes. 'I don't think that's a good idea, we insist you all to stay and thanks.' Tin spoke. Lay and him were at a distance from the huge car brought by Man. Can was at the door waiting for Tin to come inside, his mother was at the gate, smiling softly. Even after knowing that she'll lose both her sons, she had to stay strong. She had to be the strongest wall to protect them from danger, and for them this was the only way. 

'Thanks for what? We're family.' Lay sprung her arms around Tin, he held her for a good couple of seconds before parting. He bid Mrs. Kirakorn, who burst out as she hugged him. Tin gave soft pat on Mrs. Kirakorn's back and sat in the car beside Can.

Man sat on the driver's seat and immediately started the car and swiftly they went off. Can had closed his eyes to go in a silent sleep, while Tin was busy looking out in the window. Mountains. That's what he saw. They were running behind him and made him feel nostalgic. This happened the same when he had rode a train for the first time in Britain. The trees were running backward and his eight year old was excited that finally trees do move. But that excitement didn't last long of course. 

He took a quick glace at Can who was fast asleep, he moved his hands on Can's forehead to move his bangs. To take a good look at him. He was fast asleep already. It was his fault maybe, he didn't appreciated Can or his deeds, he only made himself a doubt or disturbance to Can or his family without thinking what they might actually feel. 

'What about your school?' Man finally broke the silence after a long hour drive. 'They won't just let you off you know?' 

'We'll make up a reason.' Tin said and quickly shut his mouth, not even looking at Man who was watching Tin from the rear-view mirror. 'They won't doubt?' 

'No they won't.' Tin shut his eyes finally, trying to fall asleep. Man moved his eyes from the rear-view mirror and focused on the road. There was a long way ahead, Man knew, but being right was more important. All his previous missions had been of spying or leaking information of important people for money, but this wasn't the time he was doing it, he really wanted to help these two boys. 

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