Meet - 2

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'So you're coming for the match aren't you?' Pete asked for a thousandth time in a row. 'Honestly Pete how much far can you get? you're worse than Can's sister.' Tin sighed. Their professor hadn't came yet, and like Tin and Pete, everyone were having their own conversation. 

'Oh shut up,' Pete smacked lightly on Tin's arm. 'You like it when I mention him, don't you?' Tin rolled his eyes, trying hard not to blush. 

'By the way, Ae asked if you used those?' 

'Used what?' Tin snarled at Pete's-I-may-look-innocent-but-I'm-not-face.

'You know what I mean.' 

'No I don't.' Tin lastly had enough and glared at Pete. 'Okay, tiger. I'm talking about the thing I kept in your bag that day.' 

'I can't believe you've became like this. Has that shorty kept himself all night inside of you?' Tin snapped and Pete blushed and smirked. 'So when are you going to do that to Can? It's not like you've never slept with anyone.' 

'It's not about me, Can hasn't slept with anyone.' Tin had let his mouth take control and had regret it saying, trying to keep a poker face.

'You're right,' Pete nodded, agreeing with Tin, 'That's why, use a lube.' 

'I've had enough sex education from people which wasn't any help, now please don't start, Pete. I have to go to Can's home to meet his mum and sister today.'

'Oh~ Someone's going to meet their in-laws.' Pete oohed. 'Sometimes you scare me Pete.' Tin shrugged and rolled his eyes and from the wide entrance road they saw their professor Nightley, who taught them English, coming with her heels clicking on the floor. 

'Now pay attention, don't wander yourself in the thoughts of your Boyfriend.' Tin spoke as Pete smirked how he read his mind. 

'You too, you don't seem to pay attention at all these days, do you?' Pete teased. 'You aren't wrong.' 


'The match is coming and we'll work harder and stronger than before.' Techno spoke and everyone straightened their backs as they stood in one line. Techno had recovered very quickly from the trauma with the help of Champ and his friends, he had became lively and cheerful again. And seeing this all the football team members had became joyful. Can had suddenly got a call from Techno while he was busy watching television and hurriedly had dressed up and packed extra clothes for his football practice in days. He had texted Tin already, even though the text was all messed up. 

'Not to mention we've got the best strikers and the best goalkeeper.' Techno flashed his teeth. 'Oh you're embarrassing me Techno.' Type, the goalkeeper, teased and smacked Techno's arm lightly. 'C'mon Techno, we've got Champ, Can, Job, Good, them and me. We'll beat them of course.' Ae stated.

'Their team is weaker than us No.' Can shooked his head. 'The IC team is sort of weak. And you two,' Techno went closer to Ae and Can. '-Just because your sugar babies and daddies are there that doesn't means that I won't keep an eye on you. You two better watch out,' Techno spoke in dead silent voice and just as then, Type smacked the back of Techno's head. 'Hey! What was that for?' 

'They're not dumb, though Can is a little, but not so much to cheat their dignity for their boyfriends. And literally Techno did you forgot that Pete comes and sits over our stands just to see Ae play?' Type snarled and Techno scoffed.

'I know, I know, sorry. But what about the other IC kid?' 

'Hey! He has a name!' Can yelled at Techno. 'The whole world knows that, Can.' Ae whispered. 'That doesn't gives him the right to call him that, does it?' Can snarled.  

'Oh c'mon Techno have faith in us!' Type yelled at Techno. 'Okay, sorry. Now let's practice.' 

Type, being the goalkeeper, went over to the stands to wear his protection suit, while the other warmed up their bodies. 'Can, do you think Tin would be upset if we beat the IC Team?' Ae said thoughtfully. 

'He doesn't even gives a damn if the IC Team was at the last rank, he is in the state of mind that he hates himself but also thinks that he's better than the others.' Can laughed along with Ae 'You aren't wrong...' 

The team practiced and practiced, drenched in sweat, Can flopped his bottle of water to Techno. 'How come you don't have any sweat, Good?' Can questioned, startled by seeing Good, not a single drop of sweat on his body. 

'I wonder how that IC kid has kept his sanity up till now.' Techno muttered. 'I heard that!' Can snarled and smacked him. 'Why do I get hit every other time?' Techno complained. 'Because of what you do.' Type snapped. 

Suddenly Can looked over to their football entrance, two tiny white figures were walking towards them, 'Why does that looks like Tin?' Can squinted his eyes. 

'Because it is Tin.' Ae said. Tin and Pete came along with each other, 'Hello.' That was all Tin could say. 

'Hi.' Techno tried to smile, to him, Tin was the type of a person who wouldn't hesitate to kill him without thinking twice as he was closer to Can but Tin didn't mind that. 

'You are here to take your people, aren't you?' Champ said and everybody stared at him. 'Sorry, he speaks like this if he's hungry.' Techno explained quickly. 'No, we don't mind it. We got used to it, anyway.' Pete spoke and Tin nodded agreeing. 

'Go get dressed, I'll let you two go.' Techno spoke as Can and Ae got up nodding to go behind the stands, where their lockers were. 

'Friends are really useless when they start dating.' Techno snarled and everybody looked at him. 'Sorry, he speaks like this when he's frustrated.' Champ spoke as everyone laughed. 

'Oh, shut up Champ.' Techno laughed and Tin and Pete took a seat beside them. 'Sometimes I'm worried that some members wouldn't last long because of their small bodies.' Type said thoughtfully. 

'Don't worry Type, body doesn't determines the power does it? Look at Can.' Techno covered up. 

'Yeah, he's right. Look at Can, he punched Tin.' Pete pointed out and Tin rolled his eyes. Everyone laughed, 'Oh, shut up Pete.' 

'Pete you're getting way more bolder.' Type stated and Pete got shy. 'I made him of course.' Ae spoke up from behind. 

'Let's go, Can.' Tin got up and Can followed him. 'Don't forget to come tomorrow for practice, Can!' Techno screamed at the top of his lungs. Tin laughed at that and got out of the stadium as he pulled Can over his car. They entered the car and Can yawned. 'You're sleepy?' asked Tin as he ruffled Can's hair. 

'Nope, just a little tired,' Can answered. 'I'll eat something at home.' Tin nodded and started the engine.

'Don't be hard on yourself Can.' Tin pecked Can's lips. 'I'm okay!' Can said cheerfully. 

'Okay, then let's go.' Tin whispered.

'Yeah, let us go.' Can kissed on Tin's cheek and blushed, not seeing that Tin was already very scarlet.

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