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Tin was sitting at his usual place in his class beside Pete, 'Did you thought about the apartment, Tin?' asked Pete taking out his books. 

'Yeah, I'm thinking to take an apartment in your building. But I want Can to move in with me, I'd be lonely without him.' The thought of being lonely scared him. They had had a talk about Pete's apartment as Pete asked him if he would like to purchase one, they forgot about the idea after a few minutes as they founded Lay sneaking pictures of them. 

'Don't worry, besides you two need some personal space too.' teased Pete highlighting the word. 'Funny.' said Tin taking out his phone from his pocket which made a buzzing sound. 

Can: Let's meet up after your class? 

Tin: Sure, besides I have to ask you something...

Can: What is it?

Tin: I will tell you when we meet up, at your football field. 

Can: Okay then, I'll wait for you! Byebye

Tin: Bye...

'Oh, can't stay far eh?' Teased Pete again. 'Oh shut up Pete..' said Tin straightening up as their professor walked in. Pete smirked taking out a packet of condoms only to sneak it in Tin's bag without him knowing, he had Ae's and Pond's advice to keep it in his bag as Tin was paying attention to the professor. 


Man walked at the University wearing a heavy black coat, standing at its gates. He wore big black glasses which his crooked nose didn't seemed to keep up, his dark raven hair swept back and liting a cigarette between his two fingers. 

He had came early to take a look around the University, and also to look after the person whom he was supposed to stalk. He was the only son to his late, murdered parents. They were quite respected in their days. Which eventually made him a serial killer. 

'What the hell its already 1 pm?' Man thought to himself checking his watch as he took out his phone with his other hand which was ringing. 

'Hello?' Man said, annoyed why this person had called. 'Started the work?' asked Tul from the other line even though he knew it had started. 

'You know, it's my first day of stalking and it takes time, I told you that, or is it that brain of yours has forgotten?' said Man, getting more annoyed as he heard more of Tul's voice. 'Okay, okay. I was just checking, besides I hope you know that I want each and every detail.' 

'Why'd you want to see him so destroyed, didn't he got involved in the drug scandal even though it wasn't his fault?' asked Man drifting into deep thoughts.

'Don't tell me now, that you've grown to care for the boy and it's only one day? You've given one job, you better do it.' said Tul sternly. 

'Oh, yea.' said Man, ending the call. As he held the picture of Tin. 























































'I Don't know but we're so alike.....'

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