Blue & Grey

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'That hurts, Type!' Techno hissed as Type stretched his friend's leg more. The silence totally was felt with Can's absence. Everyone had noticed Can being gone, even the people who often came to the grounds to watch the game, noticed that the loudest of them wasn't there.

 The group often talked about Can and his whining, his love for food, his stupidity and obviously him being the albino monkey.

Obviously the person who missed him the most was none other than Techno. Not about spending his wallet, but he was his entertainment. He was everyone's entertainment.

Ae's late night talks with Pete had some talks about Tin. At first, Ae had no slightest idea about Can's boyfriend's family issues and Pete hesitated to tell Ae the whole story.

But eventually the tiger got the whole story without his boyfriend uttering the word. Not as though he wanted to help the person who once hit on his boyfriend. But, Can was his friend.

Pete's loneliness in his classes didn't helped him, with Tin being his friend he had a lot fun teasing him. Though, his classmates approached him, but the joy to tease Tin and see his angry face was a whole another thing. After Can became Tin's boyfriend, Pete had an another reason to tease Tin to the point of getting blocked. After all, being a cupid wasn't an easy task.

Lay on the other hand was spending more time with her brother's friends with Chompoo. Her girlfriend was on good terms with Ae, specially with Pete. They usually hung around or spent time at Lay's room, binge watch movies and eat a lot. Watch the football games and study, some love and that was it.

Techno was recovering slowly with his trauma. Thanks to Champ, he was becoming more lively. Later, when he got to know about his brother being involved too, their relationship became sour. Their parents had noticed it too, but shrugged it off with "another silly fight of brothers".

There wasn't a sight of Kengkla around the campus, some rumors assumed that he got expelled, while the others said of him being so rich so that he left Thailand. His friend Technic, Techno's younger brother wasn't in touch either. So everyone felt safe to say that he left the university and moved. Which was a good news to Techno and the gang.

Everyone had noticed, Techno and Champ had gotten closer far more than the time when they had met first time. No one had a problem, Type was especially very happy to see his close friend have someone to rely on. And Tharn too, supported them silently. Though, everyone knew that they liked each other, but the latter getting closer didn't.

Can's mother, Prim often made visits to the university to watch Lay, afraid that Tul might summon up there to harass her. But there were none. She had had an option to let her friends take care of her, but since they had so much of studies, she let that idea drop. Chompoo was the only person she could rely on Lay's safety. Though there weren't any unusual scenarios to be recorded.

Lay was safe but still, Prim had doubts. She had had enough of an idiot after her son, but she could do nothing. Even if she files a case against Tul Medthanan, he chances of winning are nothing to slim.

Letting her son go to her parents was the only safe option, as the idea for Tul to think Can being gone there was no. Her desperation to call her parents grew, but she had no other option. The fear of being watched by one of Tul's men had scared her. A single mistake might not only ruin her son's life, but also his lover's.

The weather was very gloomy. A signal of monsoon. A hope of rainfall, and with that hope the sun was covered away with clouds. Is this hope? The light being covered by darkness? But with darkness came silence. A loud silence. And the doorbell of the Kirakorn's on the 23rd street gonged, taking away the silence.

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