Bad feeling

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'These Medthanan's are a real headache.' Man sighed loudly. 

'So you're trying to do is?' Boss questioned, who leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. Boss had been a friend of Man since two years, unlike Man, he liked to joke around a lot. 'I hope you don't get into trouble.' 

'Nah, it's the other way around,' Man smirked, satisfied as he kept the files away which held all the information about Tul and his relations, including Tin. 'But I would need your help.' 

'Ask right away.' Boss breathed out as Man leaned back on his chair. 'So listen carefully, it's not going to be as Tul Medthanan planned.' Man explained the plan carefully, in whispers. They were in the basement and with their workers. He didn't wanted them to know the plan.

'Isn't that sort of like going against the rules?' Boss questioned. 

'Isn't that the reason I'm doing it?' Man smirked, again satisfied. Boss nodded, digesting the plan. 'I'm in.' 

'Thanks, it's sort of amazing, breaking the rules,' Boss laughed, 'So when are we going to do this?' 

'3 days from now.' Man spoke  pulling out a cigarette and a lighter from his front pocket. 

'It sounds fun, count me in.' Boss smirked, cracking his fingers. 'But the problem is Tul is going to be there to see that we do it right.' Man frowned his brows and Boss raised his brow, questioning to himself. 

'This is a problem, so have you worked on it out?' Boss asked rolling his eyes. Man had been quite smart in such things, Boss was sure he had worked through it, if not, Boss would back out. 

'No I haven't.' 


'You tell me.'

'What can I?' 

'C'mon! you're smart.' Man said, disbelieving. Even after spending years working and being friends with Boss, he had given excellent ideas for a planned murder, but this time, Boss's brain was rather confused due to the sudden change in the plan. 

'How about we'll wait until he goes away, we could make a fake call from his company y'know and shoo him off, the victim can hold his breath.' said Boss nervously, making a sour face. 

'You're an insult to me but also you're smart, okay! we'll use it.' 

'You wanna use this dumb idea of mine?' Boss questioned, rolling his eyes and Man nodded. 'It's very bad but not that bad anyway.' Man convinced him. 

'Okay then, do whatever you want, I'm going to be there for the viva, make sure it's interesting and fascinating to watch.' Boss exclaimed. 

'I bet on that.' Man clapped his hands and finally stamped the cigarette. 


'Let's go to the prom together.' Can said smiling, as he rested his cheeks between his palms. 'Not a bad idea.' Tin nodded. 

'It was never bad, shut up.' Can rolled his eyes. Tin laughed at his statement and looked over his laptop. 

'Cantaloupe, come here.' 

'I'm busy.' 

'Come here.' Tin ordered and Can rolled his eyes once again. 'What-' Tin pulled Can onto his lap and at this, Can flustered and shoved his face onto his palms. 

'What are you doing?' Can sprung his arms around Tin's neck, while Tin's eyes were doted on the screen of his laptop. 

'Assignments?' Tin spoke while typing and Can kept planting kisses on his cheek repeatedly. 'When are you going to get sleep?' 

'You're sleepy?' Tin asked, finally planting a kiss on Can's forehead. 'Yeah, a little.' 

'Okay, give me a minute.' Tin closed his Power Point Presentation and looked over to Can. Admiring his features, his bumpy nose to his small eyes, everything about Can was perfect to him. 

'Let's sleep, my legs are becoming numb.' Tin spoke out of the blue, Can was already trying hard not to sleep on Tin, and he almost failed. 

'Yeah let's go to sleep.' Can got up still holding on to Tin's hand but Tin stayed still, 'What happened?'

'No it's just, I have a bad feeling, I don't know how shall I describe.' Tin begun. 'It's rather hard to explain.' 

Can took his steps forward towards Tin and brushed his bangs from his forehead, 'Worrying will make your bad feeling grow more. Just forget it, it'll be fine.' 

Can cheered him up and pulled him onto their bed. Tin flashed his smiled at Can's saint words and finally after his convincing, he hopped into the bed with Can, slowly forgetting about the worried feeling. 

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