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Mrs Kirakorn got to know that Can and Tin are dating and are a thing, it had been several days since Can told his mother that he was gay. And from that day, Mrs Kirakorn had been their cupid. 

Tin told Can the details to move in with him, though they went together to see the apartment, Can had kept quiet as Tin was completing the formalities during the talk with the dealer.

Their apartment was on the fourth floor with a scenery of sunset and a lake to watch with a bedroom and a kitchen. Tin didn't think of having two bedrooms since he and Can would be sharing a bed together. 

Mrs Kirakorn was helping Can pack his stuff and it was Friday, Tin had already moved in his apartment since Monday, Can had made him move in first since he didn't wanted to make a mess later. 

'Make sure to brush your teeth before sleeping.' Mrs Kirakorn said, as she packed more of his shirts in the bag. 'I'm not a kid any more mom...' 

'You're always a kid to me.' Mrs Kirakorn laughed as the door behind them opened, Lay appearing. 'Get yourself a boyfriend Lay...' Can teased.

'Guess what?' Lay said quietly.

'What?' Mrs Kirakorn and Can said simultaneously.

'I'm dating Chompoo...' 

Can's and Mrs Kirakorn's neck could've turned 360 degrees, thanks to their shock but their necks said otherwise. 'What?!' 

'Yes, mom...'

'I'm throwing a feast!' Mrs Kirakorn flashed her smile as Lay was taken aback.

'Mom?' Can And Lay squinted their eyes.

'Yes! I'm throwing a feast!' 

'Shall I be happy?' Can muttered under his breath unable to believe the sight. 'Thanks, mom...' Lay said, as she shut the door and went inside her room. 'I suddenly feel so proud of you both.' 

Can chuckled and zipped his heavy bag and stood up. 'Since I'd be moving in tomorrow-' 

'Use protection.' 

'Mom!' Can pouted, unbelieving that his mother said it. 'Patience, grasshopper.' 

'Yeah, I know right, I'm just worried for you.' 

'Much more excited.' Can muttered under his breath, he laid on his bed and then, his phone gave off a ring of notification. 

Tin: Packed? 

Can: Yeah, mum helped me. 

Tin: I'm very excited

Can: Me too. 

Tin: I've kept my things, I'll help you later.' 

Can: Thanks Tin:)

Tin: Anything for you ;)

'Can! Help me for dinner!' Can heard Mrs Kirakorn yelling from downstairs. 'I'm coming mom!' He smiled shyly, also very excited that was going to move in with Tin, had he been known that Tin was as much excited as he was, perhaps much more. 

Their friends too had been very much supportive of them, especially Pete, who had known Tin since before Can. Could tell that Tin was much more excited.  

Can helped his mother with the dinner and as usual, he ate a lot and got scolding from his mother, but she was used to it now. 

Can hopped in his bed, for the last time. He had never been away from his precious bed and his mother's cooking, but he could cook. He had learned it by watching his mother and sister doing it. 

An idea clicked into Can's head, he picked up his phone and dialled Tin's number, just because he wanted to.

'Hello, Cantaloupe.'

'I won't come if you call me that.'

'I'd still bring you here.'

'Wow I'm so scared, what are you doing?'

'Completing assignments. You?'

'Laying on bed. Does your stupid brother knows you've moved out?'

'No, I don't want to tell him anyway.' 

'Would be a wee of a shock for him, I guess.'  

'I'd wait for you....'

'Patience Tin, it's just one night.' 

'I wanted you to come tonight, but I guess I'll wait this night and much of tomorrow.' 

'Okay then, wait for me. I'll come tomorrow.' 

'Okay, bye...' 


'I love you, Cantaloupe..' 


























'I love you too, Bastard...' 

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