Meet- 3

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'Your room's rather nice than I expected.' Tin commented as he explored Can's. Can had laid on his bed. 

'There's more to explore.' Can spoke. His mom and Lay had insisted for them to stay for the dinner. 

'You want me to explore you?' Tin smirked.

'That was bloody brilliant.' Can gaped and sat up and yawned.

Tin looked behind and stared at Can. He took his steps towards him and crouched down to hold his chin. He proceeded further to touch Can's lips. He kissed him gently as Can realized and held Tin's jaw. Can's teased Tin as he didn't gave entrance for Tin to explore his mouth. 

'It's unfair-' Tin broke and Can quickly connected their lips again, finally giving him an entrance. Tin groaned and pulled Can more towards him. Can clenched Tin's shirt as he kissed with more passion. They kissed like it was their last.

Can pulled himself away as he was very breathless. Tin breathed out as well. 'Can we do it one more time?' Can asked with more hope in his eyes, Tin smiled at his demand and proceeded more further to touch his lips one more time, just a little more, Tin thought. 


'I'm so glad you're together.' Mrs Kirakorn commented as they sat for dinner with Lay beside her and Tin and Can on front. They were going to call Chompoo, Lay's girlfriend. But due to some issues she wasn't able to come. 

'A little fact Tin, Can had never dated anyone.' Tin laughed and looked at Can, who was flustered. 'Enough mom...' Can had had already lost it. 'I'm rather glad.' Tin stated and took Can off guard.

They had finished their dinner and later had desert. Tin and Can were already in the car, 'Your mom cooks very good, I can eat it like everyday.' 

'Tell this to mom, and she won't give out a day that you haven't ate her food, she'll probably send a truck for you, filled with food, and won't let you enter the house if you haven't finished it.' Can stated and Tin laughed, 'Let's go home, I'm rather tired.' Tin said, he had finally got a home to say that, and Mrs Kirakorn had poured all her motherly love on him, which was more than enough for him. 

'Did I ever told you that my sister is dating?' Can spoke out of blue and Tin stopped his hand from starting the engine. 'What? No. Really?' 


'So who's that person? She knew him?' Tin questioned with excitement. 'Um... It's rather upside down.' Can spoke silently, his face buried in his hands. 'She has an imaginary boyfriend?'

'Oh no, Tin. She's dating Chompoo' Can had let his mouth take control at last. Tin had finally lost it, he blinked twice to function his brain. 'I mean I don't know this girl, but since Lay is dating her, she's nice, I guess.' Tin breathed out, feeling awkward. 

'I know what you mean, it was rather unexpected.' Can smiled and Tin started the engine, shocked about the sudden confession of Can about his sister. 

'Is it true that you've never dated anyone?' Tin spoke out of blue while driving. 'I hate this.' Can breathed out. 

'I'm rather glad.' Tin laughed. 'Oh yea? What's so happy about it. You've probably dated everyone on this planet.' 

'You aren't wrong. I've went out with many people. None are like you.' Tin spoke straightforwardly and Can was taken aback. 

'I hate this conversation,' Can snarled. 'But thanks anyway.' 

'Honestly, I'm very glad that I'm your first. I'm also very happy that you're my last.' Tin spoke. 

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