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Tin heard a whisper trying to wake him up. His eyelids flickered before opening fully, he took a glance at his wrist watch as he brought his hands to brush off the dust which was collected on the fine hair on his lids. His attention went on to Can who was trying to wake him up, his hair was a mess. Tin smiled softly and ruffled his hair, 'You're awake already.'

'Yeah, we're here. We should get off. Man's gone to loose himself up. He reckons his legs are numb due to sitting for so long.' Can yawned and rested back on the seat. Tin took a glance at the person beside him and opened the door to go out. His naked feet touched the warm ground, the morning sun didn't hesitated twice to touch his pale skin and freshen him up. He gave out a yawn and noticed the houses sideways.

It was a huge space filled with houses, shacks, old people, young children, workers. The clothes somewhat resembled the olden times Tin had seen in movies. The shirts were dull with the mud, as though Tin thought due to the work. 'So this is where Can's ancestors lie?' Tin thought. The entrance was very huge enough to fit his house, designed with red and yellow cloths beautifully. There was also a huge lantern-like structure tied up the entrance Tin had noticed to symbolize the community. He looked at sideways to see Can finally come out with a huge smile plastered on his face. But Man was nowhere to be seen.

'Have you seen that guy?' Can stood beside Tin asking as he spun his head all the way round to find the person who brought him here. 'No,' He answered, again ruffling Can's hair. 'Have you slept well?'

'Yeah after a bath in the huge ocean finally after I slept well.' said Can sarcastically, wiping off the thin film of drool formed on Tin's corner of the lips. 'Let's go, we are gonna have a lot of fun.' Can leaned over through the window to take out his small bag of clothes, careful not to hit his head.

'Fun? We just ran.' Tin scoffed as he took his bag full of Li Yu's clothes, temporarily used by him. His clothes didn't smelled at all, though it was a bit tight on Tin's body. He went over the car and stood beside Can, in front of the entrance, but Man was still nowhere to be seen. 'Where's that man?'

'I dunno, probably went inside already. C'mon let's go. We don't want to waste time do we?' Can held Tin's hand, grabbing him further. His eyes laid on every shack from the entrance to the very end, examining them. Tin was looking at them as though he saw a tiger for the first time. The shack were small shops of fruits, vegetables, toys and accessories. No one noticed that a young gay couple had just entered, everyone was busy to earn money and food through work. Everyone minded their own business. By the time Tin was finished, he felt a sharp turn towards his left.

This was just another turn. He saw the butcher's shop, the craftsmen's, with beautifully carved miniatures for decorations. He saw people hurrying of the early dawn, with fast steps they hurried to their work. With fascination Tin saw that no one noticed that both Can and him were holding hands all along. He heard yelling from a old man to another, with happiness and joy of course after winning money through playing cards. For a minute he thought that he were to be dead. At the corner he could see old people sitting together talking among themselves under the 4 floored building, children hovering upon them. The village was very huge.

Tin bumped Can and looked at his left to see a house. A one floored house with many of shoes and flipflops outside the door. The door was painted very dark brown, with carvings of minute details of flowers, leaves, birds, etc. He heard chattering inside, of hurry. Can just stood there observing the house with his small eyes. Hid neck took turns to take a look at the sides too. The house was indeed very big to fit a small family, but much smaller than Tin's.

Can bit his lips and took a step forward, then another. He lifted his right arm to knock. The sound gonged and created an echo, but Tin stood there, his eyes not leaving the huge, yet beautiful house. The door opened to reveal an elderly woman. her wrinkles didn't showed her to be Can's maternal grandmother at all. She cracked a smile and hugged Can very tightly that it was almost impossible for him to breathe. They broke free and the grandmother took a minute to observe Can to the fullest, with tears of diamond in her eyes. Can kissed her on the sides, took a glance at Tin and went inside. But Tin stood far enough for a gap of 2 meters.

The grandmother smiled softly and lifted her small hand to signal Tin to come forward. He hesitated at first but to not disappoint Can or his family, he adjusted his bag and went forward slowly. The grandmother pulled Tin's head to her shoulder softly. She was very much small compared to Tin. She gave a slight pat on his back and as Tin hugged back, she pulled herself further to kiss his forehead. At first Tin felt awkward but eventually he felt warmth that no one could ever provide him. He felt warm and good.

'Prim did told me about you. The person who came a few minutes before you had said you and Can are together, very nice actually because someone here had to be gay.' Her warm hand held Tin's face, and by that time Tin was bent to face her, he was sure he was going to have a hard time with his back. He just smiled back as she led him in.

The house was much more organised than expected. Dream catchers were hanged beautifully on the walls, a medium sized radio was kept on a small table with sofas on it a either sides. But Can was no where to be seen. There was a huge tv in front kept on another table opposite of the previous one. The smell was very pleasant and refreshing with a fish tank kept on the corner.  All the faces were looking at Tin. An elderly man got up to walk up to Tin. He was a feet taller than the grandmother, probably had a hunch because of old age. Tin was hesitant whether to bent down or it would be an insult. But before he could think the old man spoke up.

'Welcome son, we're glad you're here. You wouldn't have any problem staying here actually. You can sleep with Can in his room if you want or there's Prim's room empty there, I think we need to just... clean it up..' He looked back at his wife with a puckered look. She just shook her head, and he got that he'll sleep with Can. As a person who had never came to a village, or a rural area, grandfather had probably thought he would like some personal space. 

'Thank you sir....' that's all Tin could say, and the grandfather just nodded. Until a girl, as Tin thought to be 12 years old, came forward and stood before him and flashed her teeth towards him. She was just a few centimetres smaller than Tin, almost as same as Can's height she was, Tin presumed because whenever they hugged, Can was able to hear Tin's heart.

'I'm You, well... Can's having a talk with Li Yu in the above room. This house is big enough to fit 2-3 families so you can walk around and here and get lost-' She picked Tin's bag and kept on her back. She signalled Tin to follow her as he was doing it already, '- You're gonna have fun here, we can take you to the farm and all. But I think someone needs to go with you since you're new here, maybe Can can help. Here go in, Can will come shortly.' Tin thanked her and patted her head. Her hair bounced at the touch of his cold hands. She smiled again and went back. He took some steps forward and took a deep breath, it will be fine. That's all he could think of. 

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