Tonight - I

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The next morning, Tin had dropped Can at his house, his mother was already waiting for them at the gate with enthusiasm, finally able to see Tin after a long time, as she had always treated him as her son. Tin had a bit chit-chat with Mrs. Kirakorn while Can was busy playing video games in his room, Lay had already gone to school as the couple had their day off. 

Tin parted ways at Eleven o'clock as he had assignments to work on which was due the next day, Can was roaring and complaining that he's always loaded with assignments and projects that he would bring about a strike against the University along with his friends using the tagline of 'Child Labor', Tin laughed out loud and reassured him that it won't take long as he would meet him again in the evening for the Prom. 

All was set, thought Can as he had laid on his fluffy bed, Lay was going with Chompoo, Ae with Pete, Techno with Champ, ChaAim with Pond, Type with Tharn and Bow with Ping. He flipped his body over to look at the time, 12:00 o'clock, it said, lot of time, he thought. 

He cracked his fingers as he entangled them, his eyes trying to sleep away, it's 12:00 o'clock, I shouldn't sleep now. 

But his eyes couldn't help it, he angrily got up and let his feet take him towards his book-self, he took out a long, dark book, perhaps a horror one, while the other three on the shelf were porn magazines given to him by Pond which he didn't care to open at all. Lay had already noticed that but never mentioned it to their mother, as she knew her scared little brother. 

Can flipped the pages of the book entitled, "Temporary". He landed on a page which had blood splashed on the picture, assuming that the antagonist had probably slashed the neck of a character, he flipped more pages, there was more blood, the more he flipped, the more blood he saw, maybe he was just hurrying to know the end. He sighed, and turn to read page one, hurrying to know the end just made him messy. He flopped himself on his comfortable bed and with a deep breath, started to read. 

In the long road, the long traffic was taking quite a time to move, Tin bobbed his head from side to side in annoyance, just swearing was left. Thirty- five minutes, that's it, long traffic, but impatient. His watch said three o'clock, and by five thirty he had already planned to get dressed, get ready for the prom, dance with Can and whatnot, his mind was busy in wandering the thoughts of him and Can. Dancing, laughing and enjoying with friends was enough to make this day memorable to him for a lifetime. 

The traffic finally seemed to move steadily, Tin drove along with it, nothing much, only 35 minutes it took for him to get at his desired place. He took out his keys, hurried by the steps at his flat's floor, hastily he inserted them, and pushed the door. 

The smell was still the same, of course, he thought, how much time has it been since Can was gone anyway? The smell kept haunting him, Can's, that's whose it was. It could've been possible that the smell could belong to him in a way, as Can always kept clinging to him. Cute, he thought. 

Four, the clock hanging on the huge living room's wall said, enough time, Tin thought. He rested his body gently on the sofa and took a small nap. Being with Can and his sleeping habits had made Tin a bit of less punctual, but he was still OK with it. He wasn't complaining.

He woke up at the sound of the alarm from his phone, he buzzed it off and got up, he let his body take himself to the bathroom, to wash up and to dress for the night, to impress Can. 

He took out a handsome suit from the small cupboard enough to fit it in that Can didn't knew about. 

Something like this :-

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Everything will be fine, 

Tin thought so.. 

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