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'What type of clip may I ask?' Tin folded his hands, his eyes darting on Can's. 'Whatever clip was that it was inappropriate and he deserved a beating!' 

'Thanks Can' said Tin savagely as he turned on the engine again. 'I'll drop you off at your house.' Tin smirked, he had expected this of Can. He knew this was going to happen sooner or later.

'For what reason did you beat him up? At least show me what he sent.' Tin spoke as Can look at his way. 'No... I deleted it.' 

'Thank you again.' Tin said sarcastically. He didn't know what will happen at his home. But he surely knows that Tul wouldn't keep quiet.  'Listen, from now onwards, I'll always pick and drop you, we'll have lunch together, every time.' 

'Hey! You don't have to do that I have my own money!' Can snarled. Tin looked at him dead in the eye and Can knew he was disappointed. 'I don't care.' 

'Fine! Just do whatever you want!' Can pouted as he looked the other side. 'I love you Can..' 

'I know that!' 

'I thought you didn't' 

'Okay, I love you too!'  

'good boy...' Tin patted Can's head as he parked his car in front of Can's house. 'I'll come to pick you up tomorrow, don't make that face.'  said Tin as he saw Can whine and pouting. 

Tin got out from his car and pulled Can closer to him. 'I care for you, dummy.' whispered Tin, worried what will happen later, his biggest fear was losing and seeing Can in pain. 

'I do too you know! If I didn't I wouldn't had punched him!' Yelled Can as he dropped his head on Tin's shoulder. 

'Will you tell me now? I have the right to know.' said Tin not letting Can go. He wanted to be with him all night. 

'Fine! You were...' 

'I was?'


Kissing!' Can almost yelled that could've woke up the neighbourhood. 'I was kissing? and who?' 

'A red-headed woman or someone like that.' Can looked down unable to look at Tin's eyes. Tin didn't said anything for a minute until then, 'Can...' 

Can slowly looked up and met Tin's eyes, they weren't disappointed but filled with innocence. Tin kept staring, his eyes turning into the shape of a crescent. 'Thank you, for trusting me.' 

Can poked Tin's forehead with his forefinger. 'If you tell me to trust, I will do. Dummy.' Can smiled as he took a step away from Tin and opened the gates and as he looked behind. 'Come at Seven, see you tomorrow.' 

Tin smiled and nodded as he watched Can go inside his house and he opened the door of his car and entered, he let out a deep sigh. He knew now Tul won't keep quiet and he must revolve around Can to look after him. 

He got off the thoughts and started the engine and went off towards his house. He didn't knew how he will face Tul, he must come with a savage comeback he thought. 


'Will he ever let him go?' Man whispered making a funny face as he watched Tin and Can hugging from the far-away wall, peeking through it.

'Oh c'mon stop talking and let him go!' Man whisper-yelled waiting for Tin to get in his car. He finally gave up the waiting and took his phone out and dialled Tul's number. 'Looks like your brother has became a prince charming to someone? eh?'

'Where's he Man?' 

'In front of his small-eyed boyfriend house. Gosh, I'm so allergic to romance.' 

'Shut up Man.'



'No, by the way, how's your bruise?'

'I'm okay.' 

'Nah, it means you aren't.'

'Enough now, what he's doing?'

'Got into his car. He's just a mere 21 years old boy. Poor him..'

'Stop caring.'


'Shut up now follow him!' 

'Yeah, yeah, what a pain in my arse you are.' Man cut the call and kept his phone in his pocket. 

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