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'Can we do it quickly and then I can go? You're such a pain in the ass, Medthanan.' Man snarled after Tul told Man to wait for the next five days to work out their plan. 'What's so hurry you punk, and be quiet I don't want Phu to hear us!' 

'I don't care about your son hearing us since it's you who's making me do all these things as you came to me. I didn't came to you.'  Man pointed, sternly. 

'Fine, then. When?' 

'In five days, perhaps,' 

'That's a lot of time.' 

'You told me to go slowly!' Man exclaimed, disbelieving the latter sitting comfortably in front of him. 

'Ok, why later?' Tul questioned, opening his Laptop. 'Let that poor boy enjoy his last days, will you?' Man said thoughtfully, with a face of regret. 

'Poor you say?' Tul mocked. 'He deserves it.' 

'It's not my business to meddle with anyway,' said Man 'He's moved in with his boyfriend, you know? They seem pretty happy.' 

'You think I don't know? I was so relieved that he's moved away, so that the plan successes. Mother and father won't even suspect that he will be missing, since he has moved with that small eyed boy.' 

'Hypocrite. He himself has small eyes,' Man muttered. 'also very rude.' 

'I heard that,' Tul pointed. 'Be careful.' 

'What? I'm stating the truth. You are very cruel. Also your younger sibling, it was not his fault that your grandmother favored him more, also your step mother, though she loves you both equally. I just don't get the point you want to see him so destroyed. Also that drug scandal, I know you had set that up.' Man let it all out in one breath. Tul turned around and Man met his deadly eyes. 

'You care about him? How pathetic,' 

'Did I mentioned that word?' Man said sarcastically. And then Tul started 'He deserves it, before his birth, I had had enough. I was beaten by our filthy blooded grandmother. My father didn't stood up to me at all. And being half Thai, my biological mother left me too. I was left alone, funny thing was that, when there was the news of Tin's birth, everyone was so hyped up!' Tul gave out an evil grin.

'I thought they finally acknowledged me. But that didn't stopped there, I was bullied mercilessly. And then I couldn't take it anymore, I worked my ass off as then I am who I am now, you see. Then I got married off, I'm happy. Not so much. It's so unfair that only I got to suffer and my half-brother got to get all the love. So I made a plan to see him destroyed, I had made father let him go to Britain, had set up fake friends for him, made up a party which had got drugs involved. Showed him that cruelty exists,' 

'That doesn't makes me think that you're good.' Man scoffed, 'I am not trying to change your opinion anyway. The more I see that brat happy, the more I want him destroyed.' 

'Rude,' Man scoffed again. 'I don't want to meddle with you Medthanan brothers. Now listen, let him enjoy his last days. Otherwise it just feels unfair to me.' 

'Okay, do whatever you want.' 

'Leave it to me, you'll feel proud,' Man stated and got up, fixing his tie. 'You'll regret.' He muttered making sure Tul didn't heard anything. 

'I'll take my leave now,' Man walked off as the big door of the mansion opened, taking a last glance at Tul. 'Never met someone so pathetic.' 

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