Tul Medthanan

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'Hello, you rascal, missed me, huh?' Li Yu spoke on the other line with his sarcastic tone though not in Chinese but Thai. 

'No, you bean eyed creature, I called for fun? Maybe? I was sort of planning to come there, y'know it's been months I haven't been there.' Can made an unusual pop sound from his back as it cracked, while Lay didn't paid at all attention and was busy watching the dramas from her phone. 

They talked for whole one hour about their childhood and how they miss it, their fun and their mischiefs and how they used to fool around with teachers and also got themselves into detention. 

While on the other hand in the other room, Tin was still busy with his work loaded with assignments, his computer filled with the Microsoft Sheets, the birds chirping outside the window, not a single sound coming from the bedroom containing Can and Lay, not as though he paid any attention. 

His eyes still glued to the bright screen of the monitor, what time was it?  He turned over his shoulder to look at the wall clock, 5:00 pm, huh? so fast? Thought Tin, time indeed flies fast. Would have anyone cared about his departure from home? His mother? father? His lovely step-brother maybe?

Though being an extremely successful businessman, Trai Medthanan didn't had it easy, his first marriage back when he was at his tender age of his 30s, was not acceptable by his mother a.k.a. Tin and Tul's grandmother. Not shortly after his first wife, a beautiful young Britain woman, tired of enduring the torture and constant nagging of her Mother-in-Law, left him with Tul. 

And with the stress of being the only heir of their family's business, Trai Medthanan, under the stress of his manipulating mother, was pushed to the limit until it became a bombarding business, to being the richest person in Thailand and still dominating the International lists and yet again, still with regret was married off yet again to a young and gorgeous Thai woman who filled the requirements of being an 'Ideal Medthanan'. And then a 'pure-blooded Medthanan' Tin was born. 

Tin was born when Tul was eight, who had just came from a high beating from his grandmother. His poor father, Trai Medthanan, had no control over his cruel mother, who accused Tul of being the imposter of just being half-blood. 

His step mother was too, being manipulated by her Mother-in-law along with her husband, still being unable to take care of Tin while he grew up, not as though she cared about Tul, as he was always driven away by his grandmother. The helpless parents had no choice but to neglect their children, and without them they grew up steadily by themselves, one spoiled but without love, the other one as though invisible. 

Tul Medthanan opened his eyes, through his horrible flashback, no tears coming out as he had cried so much in his past endlessly, screaming and no one even bothered to look up. As he recited the story of Two Brothers to his only loving child, Phupha. 

With no regrets, with no mercy he was at the top one could ever imagine,

  Shall I cancel it? No. Why not? Isn't that what you wanted? But it wasn't his fault? Of course it was his! If he wasn't born, you wouldn't had gone through the pain and sacrifices. You're right, but....  He angrily messed up his hair, anger running through his veins, visible from his eyes, Shall he call Man and cancel it? He has enough money to shut his mouth up. Was it too late? It was now, it was too late. 

He got up almost crying, carefully setting his son on the sofa, keeping him in a comfortable position for his sleep, and went towards the counter of the following huge living room. He took out a glass hurriedly and nastily poured the beer he grabbed from the above shelf. He gulped it down, also drowning the saddening cry which was about to come out any moment. 

Never mind, what will happen, will happen... thought Tul to himself, he took no time to pick Phupha up and carry him towards the bedroom, he laid him staring at his face, it had been a long way both for him and Phupha for the day and at the moment, he didn't wanted to check up or call his wife as she had gone to stay at her parents place for a few days. 

He just wanted to give up and sleep, he didn't even knew whether it's all right or wrong, heck to the back he didn't even knew what right was now, everything was messed up. 

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