Dinner - 2

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Tin washed up after he asked his eight year old nephew to watch a movie, he made Tin watch movies which he never understood, however, Tin acted like he understands everything just to keep him happy. His brother Tul was not at home  of course, nor Tin wished him to be. 

Their father had made a contract between them as after Tin gets prepared as to take care of their company, he would send Tul  to Chiang Mai to take care of business there. For now, he was taking care of it. He never liked Tul too, he knew how he used to treat his youngest son, though his wife, Tin's stepmother was quite kind and nor did he told this to her, he didn't wanted to make her insecure and it will break her heart knowing that her son did it. 

He did called Tin on occasions but he was always busy since his childhood, which never gave him time to look after Tin and he always regretted it. His wife was never able to give her love for Tin even though she cared deeply for him, she never knew how she could treat him so that she could get closer as a mother. 

As Tin freshened up after watching the movie, he took out an outfit which was quite suitable for a dinner. It was 4 pm and there was still time for him to get ready and he was nervous about his impression on Can's mother. She was very kind and loving on their first encounter, she knew who he was but since he was Can's 'Friend', she treated him like one. 

Tin told his nephew that he had some errands to run for, and like a good little kid, he agreed. He wanted to have dinner with Tin, but this was the first time happened so he didn't mind it. He planned to buy flowers on this occasion for his mother. 

Can was laying on his bed, doing nothing but taking a nap. Lay had asked him to help her and mom, 'Can help us! Your boyfriend is coming for dinner, don't you think we should prepare something for him?!' Lay snarled at Can, who got up to face his sister. 

'Why are you so tensed? He would be uncomfortable if you treat him like this.."said Can. He wanted to make Tin at home and not make him feel like it was prepared because he came. 

'I know, Mom's making a lot of food, she knows about the rumors about him and that they were false, she trusts you Can, by looking at him, she knows he has problem with his family.. When are you going to tell her about your relationship?' Lay said while sitting beside Can who was in deep thinking. 

'I dont know Lay, I had been thinking the same, I don't want to hurt her and I don't want to hurt Tin too. i don't know what the hell I must do' said Can with his face down. 'Get up now!' 

Can got up immediately, now facing his sister, 'This isn't the Can I know, remember he fell for you for who you are, carefree and constantly hungry boy! He wouldn't like if you're like this, worrying and thinking every other time! Come on now help up, that will distract you..' said Lay, she was always worried, one being carefree who lets his mouth take over, and the other who doesn't probably knows how to express himself, she had to make sure to be keep them on tracks and make sure that they don't do something stupid.

Can helped doing the dishes and making the table. His mom was very excited to have Tin at the dinner, she was always very happy to serve Lay's and Can's friends at home and treated them as her own. Tin was very at ease when he first met her.

Tin left his house at 6:00 taking his Bentley, and halfway through he stopped at a local's flower shop, as it read 'Your Petals'.

'A bouquet of roses please.' said Tin to an elderly woman. 'Surely son, any ideas what your girlfriend would like?' The lady said very kindly to Tin. At this question, Tin's face went very scarlet. 'No Pa, it's for my boyfriend's mom' (Pa = Aunt) 'Surely! I assume first time dear, A bouquet of roses Mi!' She exclaimed at the counter girl who was her daughter-in-law.

A few minutes later, she came with a bouquet of beautiful roses, 'Good luck son! I bet she'll love them! she's gonna be very happy, handsome man!' She said feeling energetic which gave much of energy to Tin. Tin paid her and thanked her, and went off. 

It took five minutes for him to reach his desired destination. He parked his car beside, and stepped out of his car,now checking his breath. He took the bouquet in his hands and let his legs take control and took his steps towards the door.

He ringed the bell and waited, his heart thumping fast, it was exactly 7:00 in the evening. 

The door was opened by a very beautiful young lady who was Can's and Lay's mother, 'Exactly on time! Very happy to have you here, dear!' She said while hugging him and suddenly for the first time in years Tin felt he was home. 

'Come in! No time to spare, shall we?' Tin came inside and saw Lay and Can before him, dressed neatly.

 'For you Mrs. Kirakorn..' said Tin, flashing his smile, giving the beautiful bouquet to her. 'There was no need for this dear! And don't call me that, call me aunt okay? all of Can's friends call me that.. Come on lets eat!'

 Tin was led by Can towards the dining table who was decorated very fancy. 'Looking dope, you are.' said Can, 'Yea took five minutes to search it up, you look great too, besides its your home, you could wear anything.'  said Tin, getting shy with a hint of blush on his cheeks. He felt exactly at home, and Lay sensed that too that he was very pleased.




























'Well make yourself at home Tin, mom's gonna feed you a lot today, get ready!' 

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