Chapter 11

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"All right, all right." Present Mic was calling for our attention back and the blue-haired boy stared at me with anger. I stared at my own hands, settling back into my seat in fear as Midoriya leaned on the edge of his seat, watching me closely.

"What just-" Bakugo crossed his arms and side-eyed me curiously.

"Asami," Midoriya whispered.

"It was just on instinct. I hadn't even thought before throwing it. It must've just been the adrenaline that knocked off his-"

"Examiner number 7-1-1-1. Thanks for calling in with your request. The fourth villain type is worth zero points. That guy is just an obstacle that we'll be throwing in your way. There's one in every battle center. Think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid. It's not that it can't be beaten, but there's... kinda no point. I recommend my listeners try to ignore it and focus on the ones toppin' the charts." Mic answered.

"Thank you very much. Please, continue." The blue-haired boy bowed and picked up his glasses before settling back into his seat.

I already hated this guy.

"That's all I got for you today. I'll sign off with a little present. A sample from our school motto! As General Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down. A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes. Mm-hm. Now that's a tasty soundbite. Are you ready to go beyond? Let's hear a Plus Ultra!" Present Mic threw his hands into the air as tried to pump all of us up.

Midoriya shook from beside me as he clenched his hands into fists.

"Hey, we didn't work all those months for nothing, okay?  You can keep up just fine, don't let All Might and I down. Right?" I nudged his shoulder and he tried to smile at me but he I could see in his eyes what he couldn't say.

Maybe I should work on comforting him better...

The students beside me began picking up their backpacks and making their way to the locker rooms in order to change and ready themselves for the physical exam. I spared one more glance at Izuku before grabbing my backpack and taking off along them, leaving Izuku behind.

I was wearing a tight black shirt and leggings with white shoes as I neared the gates, waiting for us to be let in for the physical exam.

I was calm, undeniably so. I wasn't exactly sure as to why. Maybe I had wrecked my body so horribly over the course of the last few days that it had finally hit its breaking point. Almost like when you're drowning.

They say when you're drowning, it's extremely terrifying. Like a tight band on your chest that only grows increasingly tighter the lower you sink. That is, until finally, you hit a point of utter bliss. Accepting that your body had reached its limit and your mind had reached its fulfillment. Finally, accepting your death.

Finally, I was accepting my death.

"You seem calm. I thought you'd be more nervous after throwing that paper ball and making everyone look at you. Ribbit." I looked to my left to find a short girl in a light blue jumpsuit standing beside me. She seemed almost frog-like. Her tongue hanging out of her mouth and her extremely long fingers resting against her chest as she peered up at me curiously.

Did she just ribbit?

"I thought I would be too." I shrugged.

"Tsuyu Asui. You can call me Tsu, that is if you get in, ribbit." She smiled.

"Asami Okuma. Asami is fine. I hope you don't mind me asking, what exactly is your quirk?" I asked curiously, peering at her extremely large feet.

"Just frog. I can hop at really long distances, ribbit. I can even extend my tongue as well, and obviously, I can swim really well. It's not All Might, but I keep my own well," her voice was nasally and I had to assume it came with her quirk. I admired her, she seemed unapologetic and quite confident in her abilities.

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