Chapter 35

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Training with Izuku had proven itself pointless.

No matter how many times I had tried to describe how I was able to disperse the quirk throughout my body, he failed to follow directions. As soon as he noticed the quirk remaining strictly in one body part, he would yelp and release the energy. Eventually, it began to put a damper on both of our moods and we had to start training separately.

I thought it seemed like a good idea. With possessing the same quirks and training together, we were bound to end up with the same mindset and fighting style. That wasn't exactly what I wanted, nor something we could have without raising suspicions. He was supposed to be my partner in the field. To be able to have a connection, you needed a positive and a negative. Not two positives.

Though All Might was correct in the sense that our quirks had the same fundamentals; it appeared to work differently for both of us. We had different bodies, different minds, ideas. Your quirk was a part of you and no matter how similar we were to our core, we were still two very different people. We had the same quirks, but our bodies could not process this power the same.

For the time being, I was sent to work alone with the occasional watch and guidance of All Might who jumped between the two of us. He was relentlessly living on my nerves. I'd seemed to never be enough for him the past week. Every punch was too slow. Every kick was too delayed. Every sprint was too lazy. Every jump not high enough.

It was a constant session of eye-rolling and pushing myself until I was soaked in sweat and heaving for breath so aggressively that my lungs would grow cold and I would unintentionally salivate a coppery taste. He'd push me until I was left standing in an alley vomiting, bent over on my knees as I prayed for something to just crush him and let me go home.

Yet, all the same. I knew he just thought I could always do better.

Still, sitting in class now as I pried my eyes open, I seemed to forget he was only pushing me to my limits for my benefit. Seeing Midoriya happily bouncing his leg and riveting with energy only made me angrier, telling me he'd been going easier on the boy.

The bell rang and as always, he cheerfully waited for me to follow him from the classroom. But as things seem to always go for us, our routine had been interrupted.

Students from other classes surrounded our classroom door, chattering amongst themselves as they all checked us out harshly. Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka, and I all stood in a formation, confused as to what was happening and how exactly to handle it.

"Why the heck are you all here?" Uraraka sounded on edge just by her tone of voice, not to mention the way she was shaking and clenching her backpack until her fingertips had turned white.

"Do you students have some sort of business with our class?" Iida asked.

Bakugo walked past us, softly brushing against my shoulder as he passed, glaring at me. "Their scouting out the competition idiots. We're the class that survived a real villain attack. They wanna see us with their own eyes." Bakugo never hesitated nor did he stop as he got close to the other students, unwavering his famous glare as he glanced among the crowd. "At least now you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it, extras."

Uraraka and Izuku began freaking out, completely shocked at his choice of words. I half expected them, remaining unmoved as Iida began yelling about manners and telling Bakugo he couldn't go around calling people extras.

"So, this is class 1-A. I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass." Immediately, I recognized the same asshole from the entrance exam who had forced me against my will onto a robot. I began stomping, making my way to stand beside Bakugo as Midoriya muttered and tried to stop me. "Is everyone else in the hero course delusional or just you? How sad to come here and find a bunch of ego-maniacs." He had his eyes closed, nonchalantly rubbing the back of his head as he had yet to notice my presence.

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