Chapter 53

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"Alright. That's all for class today. There's only one week left before your final exams begin. I'm sure your all constantly studying, right? Don't forget to keep training, the written exam is only one element. There's also the practical portion to worry about. Good luck."

At the announcement of our finals, I watched Kaminari and Ashido absolutely lose their shit over the fact they'd forgotten to take notes. I wasn't much for notes either, but the amount of time spent listening to Izuku read and drill key terms and equations into my head I assumed I'd be fine.

"Asami, are you allowed to... ya know. Study?" Izuku asked.

"You think he's not going to let me out to study?" I chuckled. The past week had been spent on lockdown with All Might, my punishment from him and Gran Torino ended up with me being grounded and unable to leave the house. This didn't bother me much seeing as how I didn't go out much in the first place, but I think it made All Might feel some sort of pride in giving his first punishment. So I didn't complain much. "Are you planning on going somewhere besides his house?" I asked.

"I was thinking maybe my place. My mom keeps saying she misses you." He said softly.

"Yes I know, she tells me when she texts me goodnight," I laughed.

"She texts you goodnight?" He asked, blushing.

"The Midoriya's can't seem to get enough of me, can they?" I smirked.

"No, no we cannot. So, after school?" He smiled.

"Can I go home and shower first?" I rolled my eyes.

He smiled, a devious one that told me he had a dirty comment prepared but held his tongue due to the fact we were still sitting in class.

"Asami, are you going to be joining us this weekend?" Momo and Kaminari clasped their hands on my shoulders, their voices sing-song as they leaned inches from my face. I jumped in surprise, flying out of their grip as I flew back against my chair.

"What exactly are you planning this weekend?" I asked awkwardly.

"Tea," Kaminari smiled, clasping his hands together as he swooned.

"Studying! Everyone's coming over to study. Oh, Asami. You have to come! It'll be so much fun. What tea do you like? I'll get your favorite. You can even bring Midoriya!" She smiled, her eyes glistening in excitement as she spoke. "I can't help you much on the practical though," her voice fell, suddenly becoming melancholy. "Hey! You could help everyone with the practical!" She exclaimed. "Asami, you must!"

"Oh, Momo I don't know about that..." My face was flushed as I looked around the room in embarrassment, cracking my knuckles anxiously.

"C'mon Okuma, it'll be super cool! Plus if you get bored, I can totally help keep you entertained." Kaminari cooed into my ear.

"Oh, Asami and I are training this weekend!" Izuku smiled innocently. "Sorry." He cocked his head, his cheeks blushing and his eyes closed as he tried to capture the image of some perfectly innocent boy who totally wasn't balling his hands into fists of jealousy behind his back.

"Sorry," I sighed apologetically as Momo's face fell a little. "Hey, maybe I'll stop by for a little. How's that sound?" I asked.

"Right!" She nodded excitedly. "I hope you two have fun. Don't hesitate to come by, you're always welcome," she smiled, a hand lingering on my shoulder as she found her way back to the crowd around her desk with Kaminari.

"Oh, we'll have fun," Izuku smiled at me.

"You're not planning on studying are you?" I sighed.

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