Chapter 25

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- Izuku's POV-

I'd never meant for her to find out like this.

I'd never meant to listen to their conversation but it seemed to just... happen. As if my feet were glued to the ground and there was a tiny voice telling me to not leave her.

And for god's sake, I'm glad I listened.

She stared at me, so fearful. Like she was afraid of me, or afraid of how she felt about me. I wasn't quite sure.

I believed what muffled whispers I had heard through the door, confirmed the question I'd been killing myself to ask her.

"I didn't mean what I said in there." She bit her lip and I watched her fists clench so hard I thought she was going to start bleeding. "So just don't say anything."

"We do have an agreement." I sighed, looking away from her. I should've been so afraid, so nervous. I should've been awkwardly laughing and having my voice crack every other word but she made me feel so calm.

"I won't ask you to go against him." She sounded angry, her voice bitter as she glared at the door before her.

There she goes, shutting me out.

"Asami, calm down." I reached out to her but she became a complete spazz, throwing her arms at me as she threw me off of her, covering her face with her hands. "You're shutting me out."

"I'm not doing shit! That's the whole point, I'm not doing anything!" Her voice was cracking and she slid to the ground, trying to hide any emotion she was feeling from me. She was telling me she wasn't going to fight against his wishes, that she wasn't going to fight for me.

Good thing I enjoyed fighting for what I wanted.

I knew how Asami worked, she reminded me of Kacchan all too well. She'd open up just a little bit but she was so afraid of messing up or being perceived as weak that she would snap right back to a brick wall like a rubber band. She hated emotions, she hated feelings, and she hated feeling attached to people.

And though she was like this, those soft glances always had me on my knees. Every time she opened up to me, it was like she was dangling everything I'd ever wanted right in front of me, snapping it back every single time I got too close.

I was like a dog with a bone.

I leaned against the wall as I slid to the ground, sitting beside her.

She was shaking. It was almost terrifying to see her like this. I'd only ever seen it once when she told All Might to give me the quirk and god it hurt like hell to see her like that.

I'd give her anything, I'd give her my last breath if it meant she'd stop.

"Asami, let me explain." I interlocked my fingers, resting my forehead against them as I couldn't bear to look at her like this anymore.

"I'm so tired of him controlling me- telling me what to do."

"You know it's for the best."

"You don't know what's best for me."

"You're doing it again," I groaned.

"Doing what?" she snapped.

"You always push me away as soon as you think I'm going to hurt you, as soon as you catch yourself getting too attached to me. You do the same to All Might, you do it to everyone!"

She jumped up and I followed her lead, both of us scolding each other like children.

"I am not getting too attached to you. I'm not getting too attached to anyone, I don't need anyone. Get that through your thick skull dammit."

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