Chapter 34

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After having run by Recovery Girl's room to have any last additional healing, I was finally bandage-free. Yet sitting in class now, I guess in some way I had anticipated more questions about the fight.

They were manageable and futile questions from my classmates. There were those who asked if I was okay, and there were those who said if I needed anything to not hesitate to contact them. I had my suspicions of Izuku going behind my back when I was late to class and asking everyone to not bring it up. Then again, the only thing I had to prove this hypothesis was the way he stood over me and would quickly make eyes at anyone who would bring it up.

On the other hand, Bakugo had remained quiet. The occasional grumbling and I had managed to scrape by his harsh words that would only remind me how foolish and weak the scar really was.

Though I will say, I could've sworn I saw him smirk when he noticed Izuku and I had matching shirts on under our uniforms.

I felt a hand clasp onto my shoulder and I turned to find Kirishima smiling, centimeters from my face. "Hey, Asami. I was wondering if maybe tomorrow night you'd like to-"

"What did I tell you about that stupid crap shitty hair?" Bakugo turned in his seat, staring down Kirishima who seemed to recoil against the glare I had grown far too used to. "Maybe if you focused on school rather than that dumbass Yatsu then you wouldn't have failed that quiz in math."

"Oh, Bakugo. How I missed your way with words." I sighed, smiling as I rested my chin on my hand. "Y'know. I can handle myself, right?"

He seemed to growl, mumbling under his breath about how the both of us were bastards who could rot in hell but I couldn't shake the feeling that deep deep down- he was just looking out for Midoriya.

Maybe he simply did just find Kirishima's antics annoying or perceived flirting and things of the like grotesque. Yet, then again, it always seemed to be Kirishima's advances with me that seemed to irk him the most. Whether I'd have my fun with this and get under the blonde's skin, I hadn't had the time to decide as the door was slid open.

"Morning class." The class fell into a quick chatter amongst themselves, surprised our teacher had even managed to have been allowed to leave the hospital today. Though he was wrapped head to toe like some mummy costume, he had still found the will to show up to class today and direct us.

And that, was why Eraserhead had been my preferred pro-hero.

Midoriya jabbed me, smiling as he motioned towards the note he had slipped onto my desk. He bit his lip, tapping his feet in enthusiasm and he only ushered me, even more, to open it as I laughed at his antics. I unfolded it, finding a horribly drawn picture of All Might, Izuku, and I in our hero uniforms. Knowing Izuku was a disgustingly talented artist, I could only assume he had drawn this horribly to get a rise out of me.

"I'll make sure to hang this on the fridge when we get back to your place," I smirked, pulling it away from his grasp as he now desperately tried to yank it back. He began muttering about how embarrassing it would be for his mother to find the drawing and I chuckled, slipping the sketch into my shirt. "Good luck getting it now."

"I'll get it later," He grumbled to himself, sighing as he sat back down into his chair.

"Izuku!" I grumbled angrily, smacking his arm. He threw his head back in a fit of laughter and I had to turn away from him to force the butterflies in my stomach to settle down.

"My well-being is not relevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet." As Aizawa spoke, Midoriya and I exchanged curious looks. "The UA sports festival is about to start." We both sighed in relief, falling slack against the back of our chairs as we listened to our classmate's riot in excitement.

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