Chapter 47

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In honor of the 47th chapter; maid outfits☺️


Life had changed, in more ways than one.

Midoriya and I had begun getting noticed in public. My picture had been flashed across every news station; every channel you could imagine. Sometimes kids would ask for an autograph, parents would ask us to take pictures of us with their extremely young children, some even offering me gifts or asking if they could pay for my dinner if they caught me in a restaurant.

This would have been fun had it not been interrupting the train rides I'd had to beg All Might to let me take to school. He said I should just take the cab to school, even offering to pick up Izuku and take the two of us. I begged for two days straight, begging to let us just take the train. I even had to go onto my cellphone and show him pictures of the sunrises I'd be missing if I took the cab.

Reluctantly, he agreed. As long as I took the cab to the train station.

Reluctantly, I agreed.

It had been raining once again this morning, resulting in an extremely affectionate walk under an umbrella from the train station to class this morning. I enjoyed the sound of Izuku's soft voice mixed with the storm, his touch suddenly becoming so much more electrifying with the pitter-patter of the rain.

And yet, it had been interrupted by an extremely amped-up Iida who forced us to run into the school. He was extremely enthusiastic, insisting we all get a small workout in and arrive to class early as to state ourselves as exemplary students. Had Izuku not given me a look, I would have given him some sarcastic remark as to why I shouldn't run to class early.

Between Iida's ramblings from our lockers to class, Izuku explained that his brother had a run-in with some villain. The hero killer, Stain. It'd apparently been all over the news but I didn't exactly have the time to sit down and watch it. My past two days had been sporadic, filled with trying to settle into a life in which didn't involve my mother, and involved All Might more than I'd ever intended.

"So, Iida. Um-"

"If it's about my brother, I'll be fine. I'm sorry if I made you worry. Everything will be fine." I turned to find Iida looking at the two of us and I could only assume it was Izuku who had went to ask him a question. Though Iida's voice had been full of forced emotion, his eyes were utterly void. They held nothing, no emotion whatsoever.

Izuku and I shared one small glance and he shook his head at me, implying I save any questions for when we were alone. I nodded in agreeance, allowing the two of us to fall into a silent walk towards our classroom.

"Yatsu, you still have that shit all over your arm?" Sadly, I'd missed his remarks.

"No, Bakugo. I just wanted to wrap my arm in this gauze for fun this morning. If you'd like, I have some in my backpack for you as well, we can be matching." I stared blankly at him, my voice monotone as I fell into my desk diagonal from him. He smirked, turning in his seat to face me.

"You're annoying as ever. Can't be too painful." He said calmly.

"The only thing in pain right now is my eyes. You've gotten uglier since I saw you last Katsuki."

"Ah, shut up!" He went to smack my head and I immediately moved, causing him to smack his hand onto the edge of my desk.

"Now who's in pain?" I snickered.

"Goodmorning Okuma." Todoroki greeted quietly with an awkward glance as he quickly walked past my desk.

"Todoroki," I followed him with my head, greeting him with a nod when he finally looked back at me as he sat at his desk.

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