Chapter 48

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"You go first."


"Asami, go first."

"I said no."



"Please!" He was shaking my arm out, whining and begging that I open the door to the address we had been sent to. The house was what we had to assume- dimly lit inside. Izuku had grown too nervous to open the door and this resulted in him trying to talk me into it for the last five minutes. "If you open the door, I won't tell All Might he's not your favorite pro-hero," He smirked, his cheeks blushing as he watched me give in.

"You're dead to me." I groaned, reaching for the door handle. I took a moment, staring at it before finally pulling the lever. We had been right, the house had no lighting whatsoever inside. Nor was there a sound of any kind- there seemed to be nothing at all. "Did you lead us to the wrong place?" I asked.

"No. No, this has to be it." He pulled the paper out, glancing between the written note and the home address once more. "Yeah, this is it." He nodded. He came up beside me, both of us peering around the door as we allowed just our heads to peek out. "Hello? We're here from UA high. It's Izuku Midoriya? And... Asami Okuma?" He finally came out from around the door, pulling it open as I went to stand behind him. "I'm really looking forward to-" There was a man laying on the floor in what appeared to be... blood. "HOLY WOAH HE'S DEAD!" Midoriya shrieked, grabbing onto my arm as if I could do anything about it. I was frozen in fear, left staring back at the body as Izuku continued to climb all over me and scream in horror.

Suddenly, the man lifted his head and greeted us with a friendly smile, "I'm alive."

Izuku shrieked even more- his grip on my arm so harsh that it was beginning to make my bicep throb. "HE'S ALIVE!" Izuku screamed at me.

"Izuku, are you going to pay for surgery to have my eardrums repaired?" I whined as he finally calmed down. He sighed in relief from beside me as his body finally relieved itself from shaking.

"Hehe, whoopsie." The man grabbed a cane, bringing his shaking and feeble body to his feet as he smiled at us. His face was worn. Full of wrinkles carved from smiles and laughs over the years. The man was small, obviously having shrunk over time. "I was carrying a nice big plate of sausages covered in ketchup when I accidentally tripped and fell down." As Izuku led me into the house and flipped on a light switch, I realized something was off about this man. "Clumsy me," he laughed. "Now, who did you say you were?"

"I'm Izuku Midoriya! From UA High School," Izuku quickly sat down the cases that held our new uniforms, smiling as he straightened himself out. "And this is Asami Okuma," he pointed towards me with his thumb and I puffed my chest out, my cheeks burning as I smiled at the man whose face I found all too... comforting.

"You're who now?" He asked, cupping a hand over his ear to hear us better.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya! And this is Asami Okuma!" Izuku yelled.

"So, what're your names?" We both flinched, sharing confused glances before turning back to the man. Suddenly, he sat down onto his bottom and Izuku immediately jumped to help him back up. "I could really use some food."

"Some food?!" Midoriya yelled.

"Hmm, Toshinori?" The man asked, having forgotten who we were again.

"Midoriya!" Izuku was growing visibly frustrated and as much as I wanted to aid in his conversation, something was so off-putting about this man. Midoriya laughed apologetically, putting his hand into his pocket. "Excuse me, I just need to make a phone call." Izuku gave me wide eyes, turning on his heel to make for the front door with his phone.

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