Chapter 29

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I found myself smacking into the ground, hard.

That bastard had dropped me from the sky, resulting in falling onto my back and due to the enactment of my quirk, I had obliterated whatever ground had been below me.

"Get up you idiot." I felt Bakugo smacking my face as he grabbed my bicep, pulling me up and plopping me on my feet before Kirishima rushed over, only to be waved off by Bakugo. "You completely ruined the ceiling." Bakugo looked up and I followed his eyes, understanding we had landed on the roof of some cement building, only to land on the top floor due to my quirk turning the ceiling into rubble.

"Are you guys okay?" Kirishima asked, releasing his quirk and enabling his body back into his regular form as he glanced us over.

"Shit- Bakugo!" He turned around, allowing me an opening to slip under his arm and grab a villain by the head, slamming him into the ground and leaving him unconscious.

"I could've had that Yatsu!" He yelled.

"Get over yourself Bakugo. Focus on getting out of here before I have to knock you on your ass again." I was breathing heavily, wiping away a stream of blood that was beginning to seep from my lip; most likely from our fall.

He sighed, "What the hell do they want with you anyway?"

"If I knew, obviously we wouldn't be in this situation."

"That guy sounded like he only wanted you if he had All Might too, does that mean anything to you?" Kirishima spoke as he and Bakugo leaned in close, interrogating me.

"No." I bit and Bakugo glared at me, knowing I was lying.

"It seems best if you avoid them, especially since it didn't seem like they want you walking out of here alive. Lucky for you, you have the manliest set of men here to protect you!" Kirishima smiled, flexing his arms only for Bakugo to scoff at him.

"I don't think she needs us to protect her shitty hair." He scoffed. "Maybe if you got over that damn crush shit-"

"Bakugo." I snapped harshly, earning a glare from him.

"Right," Kirishima sighed bashfully as his face burned red.

"Focus." I held Bakugo's glare and he only seemed to deepen his own glare, slitting his eyes as he mumbled something about me being the "dumbest" person he had ever met.

I heard whispering along the walls as Bakugo slapped a hand over my mouth, glaring at me to silently tell me to shut up. Kirishima stood still, leaning forward as the whispers only grew louder.

Leave the girl for Shigaraki.

I don't know what he wants with her.

I shared a glance with Bakugo, both of us furrowing our eyebrows in confusion as he pulled his hand off of my mouth, holding me in place by the collar of my shirt.

Something with All Might.

Are they related or something?

She's just his weak spot.

Bakugo tightened his grip on my shirt, holding up the number three to me on his fingers as his lips silently moved with his countdown.


She looks young, too small.

She can't be that much to deal with.

Well, Shigaraki said she's a spitfire. Said she'd make a great addition.

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