Chapter 32

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Awakening in the hospital was rough.

I was beyond depleted.

I could only assume any stamina I had left had been consumed by whom I could only assume was Recovery Girl to conceal any wounds and mend any broken bones.

"Well, I guess I won't scold you for them being back here since it wasn't your fault." Recovery Girl's voice was sweet, like candy apples.

"I can't be sure yet, but I think I shortened my time limit again with that fight. I hope I can at least still hold that form for an hour." All Might appeared tired, stretched far too thin.

"I'm so sorry." I sat up as Izuku spoke, struggling to draw wires from my arm as All Might and Midoriya gawked at me. "What are you doing Asami?!"

"Their itchy." I frowned at him, tearing out the last cord as Recovery Girl simply observed me.

"You're not gonna stop her?" All Might glanced between Recovery Girl and I, appalled that she was only watching me with a sly smile.

"She just threw herself in front of a villain for you two, let her do what she wants."

We fell silent for a few moments, All Might and I returning a few glances as we anticipated for the other to finally bring up the conversation.

He sat up, heaving in discomfort. "Well, no use worrying. These things happen." I glanced All Might over and I fell mute at the display of him. He seemed worn, his entire torso clothed in gauze and I could only assume the initial wound he had prior to the USJ incident, had only worsened.

Suddenly, the door slid open.

"Hi, All Might. Been a while." I turned to find a tall man in a long beige trench coat. I could only assume he was an officer or a deputy, something of the like. All Might instantly spluttered blood and I instinctively tore out of my bed and had to bite back a gasp from the strain I had caused on my body from moving too quickly.

Shigaraki must have done my arm considerably well, more than I had anticipated.

I grasped my opportunity of already being out of bed as I casually made my way towards Izuku's cot. I sat down beside him and he gently slid his hand beneath the sheets and up my gown, resting his hand delicately on the small of my back, softly dragging his fingernails along my spine as if he were trying to memorize every vertebra.

"What the hell? I didn't know you were investigating!" All Might was seemingly excited at the man imposing upon our room.

"It's okay he sees you like this!?" I asked.

Izuku began outlining the letters of his name along my spine and I shivered, prompting a small chuckle from the boy behind me.

"Oh, yeah. It's fine. This guy's alright." All Might glimpsed at me, extending a small grin before returning back to the man. "Mr. Tsukauchi. He's my best friend in the police force. I trust him," he introduced.

"Well, that's quite an introduction. Sorry to cut to the chase but we could really use any information you might have." The man observed me closely, continuously stealing glances at me as he spoke.

He wanted to question something, I could tell. But what was it?

"Now hold on. Before all that, tell me all the students are okay. Aizawa- Eraser Head, Thirteen?"

"Not counting these two the only student injuries are scrapes. And both of the teachers are in stable condition right now. Relax." As the man spoke I could sense Izuku unwind into the bed and I watched as All Might released a breath I hadn't recognized he was holding.

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